What is this Bart Simpson? "Is Aid A Freak here? Hello, will Aid A Freak please come to the phone?"
geeze could it be?....oompa
the thread above is from 2001. quoted from blondies post in the link above.. aidafrique association .
aidafrique is a caritative association used by the witnesses of jehovah.
What is this Bart Simpson? "Is Aid A Freak here? Hello, will Aid A Freak please come to the phone?"
geeze could it be?....oompa
ok - this is something that is waaaay back there in my post-jw mind: i seem to remember that enoch lived among non-believers, and was alone in believing.
but when i do a search, there's nothing of that sort in the bible.
then of course there's job, and for that matter moses, who were both men of god in spite of growing up (and/or at least living) among non-believers.. but i know i'm not thinking of those two.
Gen 5:24
And EĀ“noch kept walking with the [true] God. Then he was no more, for God took him.God took him because there were no other worshipers of God at the time, or so I was thought. I immediately thought of Enoch.
what's it for.....oompa
What the hey, try again Shell69.
great screen name...oompa
as i faded over the past year, i still went to some meetings each month, and my wife always likes to sit (pretty much alone) near the front of the hall.
although there in body, i could just not stand to keep listening so i decided to start writing a book.
action/adventure/suspence revolving around a worldwide effort to end islamic extremist terrorism.
Homerovah: Personally I think your just going there to appease your wife, and again not showing real integrity to her or yourself.
Yes, I love my wife enough to appease her by going once in awhile. I would not question anyones integrity, because I can't really get in their head. While I can still communicate with her friends/family, I think it gives me a much better method to chip away at deeply entrenched thinking. Rome did not fall in a day.
like your eyes too, mine are real....oompa
as i faded over the past year, i still went to some meetings each month, and my wife always likes to sit (pretty much alone) near the front of the hall.
although there in body, i could just not stand to keep listening so i decided to start writing a book.
action/adventure/suspence revolving around a worldwide effort to end islamic extremist terrorism.
As I faded over the past year, I still went to some meetings each month, and my wife always likes to sit (pretty much alone) near the front of the hall. Although there in body, I could just not stand to keep listening so I decided to start writing a book. Action/adventure/suspence revolving around a worldwide effort to end Islamic extremist terrorism. Anyway, I start usinjg my old but nearly new notepad, and despite my sore ribs from my wifes elbow, I make progress.
But on Sundays especially, the speakers noticed I was very busy taking notes! And some others in the hall even told me how good in was to see me paying such good attention "when you are here!" I was obviously listening closely, of course when I heard pages flipping or a "please turn with me" I would flip a few pages in my good ol Reference Bible. Now that I think about how I have been perceived, I feel this is the same type of fraud as turning in "phantom" time at the end of the month.
what else can we fake?...oompa
this is for the christians.. let's put our swords away.. try to convince those of us that have lost our faith to accept jesus christ and all that that acceptance entails.. pretend that our lives( eternal) depend on it.. that's what you believe isn't it?.
this is an opportunity to win souls for christ.. yes.
things may get heated.
NVRGNBK, I don't know how many can really articulate such a personal experience. If people kind of feel it, they may not be able to help us. I would love to feel some kindred oneness with "da baba Jesus!" but I think at this point I would need"
1. To walk on water like Peter and hold Jesus hand. (that would probably do it).
2. See the holes in his hands/feet/side and stick my finger in them like Thomas.
3. See Jesus seated at Gods right hand in heaven like Stephen.
Any one of these might do it, but all three would be great.
tough cookie now....oompa
well, i asked my wife about the meeting she went to on thursday and how the question box part went.
the good news, for me, is that she agrees with me that the fds is obviously trying to clamp down on independent thinking and is being very contradictory.
she said she had in mind during the meeting the scripture about "where 2 or more are gathered in my name, there i am also" and also the scripture about the boreans.
I wussed out at my meeting, mainly because of my wife and that I have worn everyone out with questions/comments deemed negative. I have a thought similar to your second elders comment, that I wish I had made. I pointed out to my Dad/elder that the WT has set the precedent for using secular sources for supporting a point. It is one thing for Witnesses not to use any outside sources in their study, but what about our "progressive bible studies?"
If we have a study/call that doubts we have the truth on a certain subject, we are going to try and "prove" the truth to them by using "only WT" sources?
"Yes Mr. Ignorant Study, this really is the truth, and if you aren't sure, just read some more of our stuff, but ONLY our stuff. Please don't compare it to any other religious, historical, or educational resources as this could confuse you, and hinder your progress toward Baptism. Just don't worry your little head with researching any details about these WT publications, because we have been guided by Holy Spirit to include only True informaton in them from "worldly sources," so that you don't have to waste your time and needlessly delay your baptism."
so wish I had said SOMETHING....oompa
has anyone ever seen a mixed race couple shown in paradise in the wts literature?.
i haven't.
i've seen pictures of modern day mixed race couples but never ever in paradise..
Ha HA Ha Ha Ha HA HA, and how many family setting and interviews of them have you seen at assemblies/converntions? Don't most of us color in all the WT pictures during the meeting anyway? I prefer pencil.
not me....oompa
i love to login to myspace and see if i can find some ex-jws, or active jws from (my) cong., or ones that i knew from other congs.. i came across a profile of someone i knew, who was in the same congregation.
her name isn't particularly common, and there is a resemblance, so i think it's most likely the girl who i went to kh with.. she says she's "atheist", and has a tattoos on her face, piercings, and her profile is decorated with naked women.
Yes I think there is a link, esp for the younger exjw's. I know a ton and they are very inked up.
not that theres anything wrong with that......oompa
can't explain this one.. right in the middle of my shift i became disassociative.. my brain locked and i threw my hands up and kept repeating, "i can't do this!
i can't take this!
right out the front door of the bookstore.. i wasn't angry.
Terry, So sorry to hear this, you must be having a really tought time. It is great your manager is so understanding. If you have worked there very long and want to go back I bet you could. Home someone can help. For me, right now Cymbalta and adding in Wellbutrin seem to be helping (no more booze hasn't hurt either).
good luck and best wishes, oompa