Topics Started by xnmad
J.W peado from u.k. latest.
by xnmad inhave found out from reliable source that the object of our hatred at the mo( and still very deserving of our loathing though he may be) was actually disfellowshiped years ago, am still working on the exact details but will share them as soon as i get them guys.will try and get the date of his disfellowshiping etc n let you know.
has any1 been left with other issues(alchohol,drugs etc)as a result of life
by xnmad ini,m not making xcuses for the way ive lived my life, but have sunk myself into "the pleasures of this world"quite wholeheartedly.
mostly to escape my own demons, ironicaly due to serving god!just wondered if any of u guys went completely off the rails when u left n indulged in "unwholesome activies" like me.or maybe its jus me that ended up completely f**d up?
Ever have the shame of knockin on your schoolmates doors as a kid?
by xnmad inever wanted the floor to just swallow you up?then spent the rest of the wkend shittin it coz of whats gonna happen when you walk through the school doors on monday morning.think its affecting my parenting skills as an adult though coz am so aware of how my children feel about things, and the importance of never making them feel awkward or embarrassed.makes me wonder how much my parents thought of my feelings?i think they thought any bullying was a necessary form of torture, and would help me feel as christ did,i was probably sposed to enjoy it.
left 16yrs ago n still have issues and confidence probs,
by xnmad inileft "the truth" 16yrs ago and still cant move on in some areas of my life, i have no family now as they stopped talking to me and have never relented.this has left me with serious problems with needing aproval from people in my life.i have never stopped trying to win my fathers aproval and no i,l never have it unless i go back(which would never happen)jus wondered if any1 else has similar hangups, n if you do, how do i deal with it n move on.