I'd like to give my two cents to this thread. Everbody has bad things happen to them. It doesn't matter who you are in this world. But the difference with the witnesses is this.......while you're serving as a faithful witness and have bad things happen to you, they tell you it's because you're so faithful and Satan is trying to attack you. Now...if those EXACT same bad things happen to you after you've left the "truth", it's because you've left and bad things are supposed to happen to you when you leave Jehovah. It's like the witnesses can't figure out that bad things are gonna happen to everyone regardless of whether or not they're in the "truth". So don't ever feel like that's the reason something bad happens to you.
JoinedPosts by jimbob
Do bad things happen because you leave the JW's
by mamashel incould someone please help me with some suggestions!!
my family has been out for about 4 1/2 months now.
we have been inactive for a few years off and on.
Reinhardt Langtaght
by proandcon inreinhardt is mentioned in ray's cof c book.
he was on the writing committee and was forced from brooklyn bethel in the early 80's (along with ray and mr dunlap).
i understand he may now live in the seattle area and has left the wts.
I would like to talk more to you as well as talk to Reinhardt. We are actually leaving for vacation and won't be back til later next week. So I'll get in touch with you then. Thanks.
Reinhardt Langtaght
by proandcon inreinhardt is mentioned in ray's cof c book.
he was on the writing committee and was forced from brooklyn bethel in the early 80's (along with ray and mr dunlap).
i understand he may now live in the seattle area and has left the wts.
Hi Marilyn. I read your reply about Reinhardt wanting to know who I am. I'm not quite sure at this point I'm ready to reveal that info just yet. But, both you and Reinhardt know me. I remember you were in the drama in '95. Several years ago I had heard that you, Dave, and Reinhardt left. The rumor was that you started your own religion. Don't know if that was true or not. (Doesn't really matter to me anyway) I'll give you just a quick rundown of my situation. Over the last couple of years, I've been slowly fading. It wasn't till the last few months that I began to see many things in the organization that bothered me. My wife feels similar and has grown up with the "truth" forced down her throat. Yet just recently she came to me and told me how she felt. She's actually felt this way longer than me! Then the child abuse cover up really bothered both of us. Both of us haven't been to a meeting in over a month, and my bookstudy conductor has left us messages, not saying he's concerned for us, but rather "we need your time!" What a joke! I've realized what a numbers driven society it is. All they care about are numbers. Who cares if someone's not going to meetings, just get their time turned in. Anyway, I could ramble more, but won't. I do know your daughter and her husband Steve as well. When I was in Reinhardt's congregation, I remember him giving Memorial prayers that practically brought a tear to your eye. Then several years ago when I heard he left, I thought....what's going on? How could he just leave? He's such a knowledgable brother. Is there something going on that I don't know about? Probably ever since then, I've had questions and wondered about things. We'll I hope you have fun in Disneyland. Take care......
Reinhardt Langtaght
by proandcon inreinhardt is mentioned in ray's cof c book.
he was on the writing committee and was forced from brooklyn bethel in the early 80's (along with ray and mr dunlap).
i understand he may now live in the seattle area and has left the wts.
I actually went to the same congregation as him many years ago. I would be interested to know his reason for leaving. He had the most extensive knowledge of anyone I knew. But I didn't know he was ousted from Bethel. Perhaps he was getting a little too smart.............:)
by minimus ini was raised with a bookbag in my hand.
every saturday and sunday our family was out in service.i vacation, temporary and auxillary and regular pioneered.
i never enjoyed it but did it because i was supposed to do it.
I never liked it! I pioneered for 2 years and still didn't like it. It always cracked me up when they would say that if you didn't feel comfortable doing it, it's because you're not doing it enough. Just go out in service more! Ha!! The more I did it, the less I liked it. What a bunch of BS. I bet if you asked every witness to tell the truth about how they feel about going out in service, I bet 80-85% would tell you they'd rather not do it. I used to like working alone out in service, because that way, nobody would know that I wasn't ringing the door bell, or that I knocked so lightly, that even Superman with super hearing couldn't hear me knocking!! :)
by minimus inthis little gem is from the watchtower, january 15, 2000...."in el salvador,one man tied his vicious dog in front of the door whenever he saw jehovah's witnesses nearby.
the man would wait for the witnesses to move on, and then he would bring the dog back into the house.
the brothers were never able to speak to the man.
If I got a dollar everytime I heard this same story.........well, you know!
Ever get the shaft working for a brother...
by jimbob ini've worked for 2 different brothers in my lifetime.
since they're a brother, you're supposed to be treated better than a worldly employer, right??
I've worked for 2 different brothers in my lifetime. Since they're a brother, you're supposed to be treated better than a worldly employer, right?? Ha! I got screwed twice. One didn't want to pay me for my work, the other was closing up his company and wasn't gonna tell anybody (most working for him were brothers). Just up and fire everybody! What a joke! I know of so many people that got the shaft from people who were even elders! I guess they expect you to sit there and take their sh*t cause your a fellow brother. Guess they figure they can do what they want, cause they know you won't sue! Learned my lesson long ago!!!
Edited by - jimbob on 4 August 2002 22:25:15
Edited by - jimbob on 4 August 2002 22:25:57
Kent, Auburn, Pacific, and Lake Tapps, Washington
by Swan ini'm actively seeking any news from anyone from this area about friends and family in this area.
i love them and miss them dearly.
any news that you can give me will be greatly appreciated.
I do know of the Farr family, and last I heard they were doing okay. I believe Michael Farr does drywall for a living, or at least he used to. Other than that, I don't know anything more. I'll try and get some more info. I know some people that know him. Hope that helps....
Edited by - jimbob on 4 August 2002 22:13:48
by minimus inone of the most interesting things that i have noticed about being a witness is the awe that is given to bethelites.
it seems that if you are a bethelite, you are accorded special privleges in congregations.
you are honored when you visit a hall.
Hey jjrizo....I know Rip. Hell, everyone inside and outside of Bethel knows Rip. He's originally from Washington State. He's an electrician at bethel. I think he's still there. Last I heard he was in some high up position. I really think Bethel is just like any other corporation.....you gotta move up that company ladder so everyone thinks you're wonderful. You just don't make any more money....hell, you don't make any money. What a deal!!
Ever lie on your service reports?
by The_Bad_Seed in*laughing just thinking about it*.
did anybody out there lie on their service reports that they maintained the 'national average' when in reality you got .005 hours of service in any given month?
i magically always used to always get "10" hours out in service, while nobody ever saw me at the groups, no one ever caught on, or seemed not to -- maybe they just didn't give a shit.. i always lied so i could keep my microphone 'privelidges' -- that being, the privelidge to walk around at the back of the hall giving my deflated ass a break from those awful chairs they had.
I still do. Usually put down a couple to keep the elders happy, (don't want no irregular publishers, now) But I always round up. 0=3.....1=5.........2=8.....etc.....but lately I've been writing down 3. :)