This is probably the one subject that both my wife and I have struggled with for years. My wife especially. The organization throughout your whole life makes you feel that you're never doing enough. You should always be reaching out to pioneer, bethel, give more donations, get more hours in, comment more, be at the meetings more..etc (you get the hint) So after years of this, one begins to think that they are never deserving of everlasting life, so why bother trying. You'll never measure up to their standards. My wife has struggled emotionally for years with this, only telling me recently how she felt. Since we quit going to meetings, it's been like a huge weight lifted off our shoulders. We no longer feel like we're terrible people that are going to probably die because we never made the congregation average in field service. I'm so glad we're out now!!
JoinedPosts by jimbob
Armageddon and Jehovah's Witnesses?
by kenpodragon inbefore you read the following.
i would like to explain that i in no way hold the jehovah's witness beliefs, so please read the complete thought to fully understand my point.
i looked at all these people that were elders, pioneers, and strong witnesses and figured i did not measure up.
How to avoid getting DF'd
by WTLies inas an elder and judge at a judical committee hearing, their main job is supposed to be determining if the person is repentant, not guilty or innocent.
in the jw judicial system the guilt is almost always established prior to the hearing.
they either have two people that saw you commit the sin, or a confession.
Let me say this....if you're a guy and you had sex, the elders don't ask too many questions. But if you're a girl and you're in a judical committee for sex, they ask you all the details. I know this because my wife was df'd many years ago for this (before I knew her, and she got reinstated a year later) and when she told me all the detailed questions they ask, I couldn't even believe it! They even asked her how many times he went in and out! What a bunch of sick f*&ks!!! Like someone even keeps count! Just shows you how twisted their committees are and they were living out their fantasies through her. I told her she should've told them to get a Penthouse forum and to f*&k off! Of course back then she was a good dub and answered all their questions. Just shows you how sick these people are!!
Edited by - jimbob on 25 September 2002 23:39:1
'Prepare for Banning' A HOAX! READ INSIDE
by ashitaka inmy friend called me last night and said that his mother heard a letter read on monday night at her congregation meeting that said that the rank and file should be prepared to be banned, to go underground, and persecution is coming soon, that halls would be taken, and such.
that these things are definitely coming soon.
could this be the spin that the wt is heading towards.....instead of facing the hard issues, make the issues the boogeyman and shut down the halls, giving the elders ultimate power?
They are now trying to control by FEAR & GUILT !!!
Uhhhhhh.......I think they've been doing this for some time now..................
Edited by - jimbob on 25 September 2002 23:27:25
Help a lurking dub with doubts
by undercover ini've been lurking about, checking out some of the evidence against the wtbs.
i am currently inactive but still an approved/baptized member.
i have seen all the 1914/607bce evidence; the blood transfusion quandry evidence; the current child abuse problem evidence and several other things that are damning to the wt doctrines.
Here's one for ya to think about...............How come in the congregation, the accounts are read every month so everyone knows EXACTLY how much money came in, where it went, and how much is left over....(usually very little, ever notice how much more was for the congregation than for the WWW, guess we cared more about ourselves than the society...hmmmmmm) Anyway, how come that is never done on the Society's level?? How come they don't let the R&F know how much came in and where it went.....hmmmmmmmmmm. Maybe because we'd really know how much money they have and nobody would contribute anymore. We'd realize it'd be like Bill Gates asking for contributions so he can pay for daycare for his 3 kids and pay the mortgage. :)
Making known the truth about "The Troof"
by ozziepost inone of the heartening things about enjoying freedom, is that you're in a great position to make known the truth about "the troof".
that was the happy position that mrs ozzie and i were in this evening.
we were invited to visit a baptist church in sydney who had a arranged a special evening.
Don't forget...according to the Society's new arrangement, you can count 15 minute increments. So you just got 45 minutes in and several hundred RV's.....that should bring up the congregation average.........:)
Just recieved "Crisis of Conscience"
by els ini just got my copy from
too tired tonight but i, going to start it tomorrow.
I received mine from Amazon yesterday. I just finished it a couple of hours ago. All I can say is WOW! What an eye opener! Many of the things I was aware of just by reading stuff off the internet, but actually reading the book made me really think. It totally makes sense with all the problems the GB had internally. How many times have you know the elders in the congregation to disagree?? So when you think about it, it makes sense that the GB would butt heads. But of course they always portray themselves to be in absolute perfect harmony. What a load of BS! You can't tell me a group of men anywhere on the face of this earth are in perfect harmony about anything! And then they try and make you feel that god is really talking to the witnesses through them! Makes me laugh now!
by RR in.
well it's official, well unofficially that is, you can count the time you spend online witnessing.
Did you read some of the comments from the thread link that RR posted?? What a joke. Just read what some idiot posted..(I copied and pasted it below) It just shows you how trivial they are in counting their THAT'S the most IMPORTANT THING!! This dude thinks it's such a wonderful blessing from the FDS that some can now count 15 minutes and be counted as a regular publisher. Whoopee!! And then he hopes that they use their time wisely while others are at the door. I remember whenever I sat in the car and the others went on a call, I always hoped they got invited in and stayed their till noon so I didn't have to get out again.......:)
I would only add an aside to the fine comments here that we look at ourselves and see if it's necessary to count every five or ten minutes that we use in witnessing about Jehovah. Each one of us will be different, of course. To some, it will not be as imporant. To others, it makes a monumental difference.
The slave has made a wonderful provision for those who cannot be out in the field ministry to be able to count time in 15 minute increments. Therefore, if they witness for 15 minutes, they can be a regular publisher. Outstanding, and truly a marvelous kindness to these ones.
I don't scrupulously keep track of informal witnessing, but when I think I've come to about an hour (over time), I'll put that in. It's just too much trouble for me to count every little minute.
Also, in regard to the door witness being five minutes....true...but how many times have we been "out in service" for 2 1/2 to 3 hours and REALLY put in that much time?? Of course, we haven't...but the point is we are in a scheduled time for sacred service and hopefully we use that time wisely when others are at the door. "How good and pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity!"
For me personally, the five to ten minutes isn't as important as opposed to one who really struggles to make even that....and I love and admire those brothers and sister SO much!! How important to feel included!! -
Reinhardt Langtaght
by proandcon inreinhardt is mentioned in ray's cof c book.
he was on the writing committee and was forced from brooklyn bethel in the early 80's (along with ray and mr dunlap).
i understand he may now live in the seattle area and has left the wts.
Hello Marilyn. How was your vacation in Disneyland? I'm sure you had a great time. I would like to talk to you more, as well as Reinhardt. I'm so very interested as to why he left. He would definitely remember me. I worked out in service with him several times when I was in his hall and even gave him rides to meeting. Anyway, you said it would be okay if I e-mailed you. Is that still okay....?
Do bad things happen because you leave the JW's
by mamashel incould someone please help me with some suggestions!!
my family has been out for about 4 1/2 months now.
we have been inactive for a few years off and on.
I'd like to give my two cents to this thread. Everbody has bad things happen to them. It doesn't matter who you are in this world. But the difference with the witnesses is this.......while you're serving as a faithful witness and have bad things happen to you, they tell you it's because you're so faithful and Satan is trying to attack you. Now...if those EXACT same bad things happen to you after you've left the "truth", it's because you've left and bad things are supposed to happen to you when you leave Jehovah. It's like the witnesses can't figure out that bad things are gonna happen to everyone regardless of whether or not they're in the "truth". So don't ever feel like that's the reason something bad happens to you.
Reinhardt Langtaght
by proandcon inreinhardt is mentioned in ray's cof c book.
he was on the writing committee and was forced from brooklyn bethel in the early 80's (along with ray and mr dunlap).
i understand he may now live in the seattle area and has left the wts.
I would like to talk more to you as well as talk to Reinhardt. We are actually leaving for vacation and won't be back til later next week. So I'll get in touch with you then. Thanks.