JT....you are so right. I've only told just a few people about how I USED to be a Witness, and I've had positive feedback. Same thing with my wife. The people we've told are happy that we've left. Funny thing is, I used to never, ever tell people I was a Witness when I was in the borg. I was too embarrassed and ashamed and always used to fear what people would say when I told them.....so I just kept it to myself. Now, I have no problem telling people I USED to be a Witness. Feels pretty good!!
JoinedPosts by jimbob
Are you ashamed to admit you were a JW?
by sleepy in.
how do you feel about telling people you were a jw, does it make you feel like admiting you were a flasher or some strange perv?.
i told a lady the other day who asked about what i was doing for christmas, that i used to be a jw, but i had to make sure she knew i was brought up as one by my parents , just so she didn't think it was my choice.. she thought i was very brave for leaving though.
Little Brother Burns Watchtower!
by OrbitingTheSun inoh my god, you guys!
some jehovahs witnesses just came to my house--and of course my latest strategy is to hide and let someone else answer the door, or not answer the door at all.
well, my younger brother is home from his first semester at college and he just happened to be near the door when they came knocking... .
Now that is a classic experience that should get around in JW land. But I'm sure it will get all twisted in the process.
"Did you hear about the experience of two brothers who went to a door and encountered a Satan worshiper? He took the magazines and then tried to burn them, but the brothers saw a white figure standing behind him and no matter how hard he tried, the magazines refused to burn."
Yes.......from talking smurfs to killer dogs who don't attack witnesses......this is bound to be yet another experience that circulates in JW Land for years to come! Keep 'em coming Orbit!
Did anybody get The Bell?
by Nickey induring the thocratic school during our tuesday meetings, i dreaded hearing the bell.
*ding* someone had run over 5 minutes and had to cut their talk short.. this part always disturbed me.
nevermind the fact that these people worked hard to prepare their talk about something they felt was worthwhile, they have to be humiliated and cut off in front of the whole congregation.
Sorry Funchback.....I don't mean to steal anybody's thunder.....
I do actually remember one instance where an elder was giving the next to the last part on the service meeting. He went so far overtime, that he completely used up the time for the last part. You could definitely see that the elder who had the last part was totally pissed. So when he was finally introduced for his part, he calmly went up on stage and said..."well friends, that's all the time we have. Lets stand and sing song # ....". So at least he ended the meeting when it was supposed to instead of going way overtime trying to give his part. I do happen to know that the brother who went so far overtime got a nice ass whoopin' after the meeting, because the brother he cut short happened to be the PO and a former Bethel heavy! But for the most part, they always go overtime on their parts. Not me though.....I was always short on my time because I couldn't wait to get the hell of the stage!!!!!
Did anybody get The Bell?
by Nickey induring the thocratic school during our tuesday meetings, i dreaded hearing the bell.
*ding* someone had run over 5 minutes and had to cut their talk short.. this part always disturbed me.
nevermind the fact that these people worked hard to prepare their talk about something they felt was worthwhile, they have to be humiliated and cut off in front of the whole congregation.
What always pissed me off about the "bell" was that anybody who gave student talks in the school were given the bell if they went overtime, but anytime a brother giving a part on the service meeting went overtime, there was never any counsel given. They could go overtime as much as they wanted. We just had to sit there and listen to them go on and on and nobody told them that their time was up. What pissed me off even more is when the brother before them didn't use up their allotted time, so when they got up to give their part, they had 20 minutes to do a 10 minute part. Now......heaven forbid the service meeting end early....we can't have that!! So they'd stretch their 10 minute part into 20 minutes because they felt they had to use up all the time. God!! I just wanted to scream....."Get the F*** off the stage, your part is over!!" I think all parts should get the bell if they went overtime...of course, since I don't have to sit through that drivel anymore.......I couldn't give a rat's ass!!! But man, did it piss me off!!!
Can You Discern What The Society Is Really Saying?
by minimus inso much of the watchtower is written in "code".
so much of the circuit and district overseers comments are spoken in "code".
for example, you are not told directly that you shouldn't read any other publication but the society's, but you are asked, "how could anyone spiritual ever have the time to keep up with their bible-based reading of all the spiritual food that we must take in, and still have time to read "worldly" books?
Minimus.....I must say, this is one of your best posts. How true it is that the Society says things in a way that we are expected to follow. Again, guilt is used by the Society to make all JW's follow a certain course of action. If the Society suggests a certain course of action, they aren't actually saying we have to, but we all know the underlying code of the Society.....if they suggest, then we must do it..NO QUESTIONS ASKED! I saw how they did this for years, but never gave it a second thought, because after all, Jehovah speaks directly to those faithful dear brothers in New York and nobody else! What a crock!!! Especially the college thing. I hated how they never told you outright that you couldn't go to college, but it was implied that if you did, you weren't following theocratic direction and you were extremely spiritually weak and didn't believe the end was coming!
Well.....I'm finally free and getting that degree!!
A very special anniversary.
by Princess init's a bit early but as we are leaving town i had no choice but to do this now.
sunday is mulan and big red's fortieth wedding anniversary.
they were kind enough to want to share the celebration with their family so we are going to hawaii with them tomorrow for two weeks!.
Happy 40th Anniversary!!!
Congratulations on the big 4 0! I can't think of a nicer place to spend it than in Hawaii with family. You guys will have a blast! My wife and I wish you many more!!!
The Elders, part two
by Princess inthe elders came over this morning as promised.
he called before to explain why so as not to show up under false pretenses.
he said yesterday when he called, he was with a service group so he said he was an "old friend" and wanted to come visit.
Thanks Princess. From what I've read on this forum, I hear you're quite the hostess! That's very nice of you to open up your home for everyone to get together. I sent you an email regarding your party. Have fun in the sun!!!
The Elders, part two
by Princess inthe elders came over this morning as promised.
he called before to explain why so as not to show up under false pretenses.
he said yesterday when he called, he was with a service group so he said he was an "old friend" and wanted to come visit.
Hi Marilyn. Check your e-mail....
The Elders, part two
by Princess inthe elders came over this morning as promised.
he called before to explain why so as not to show up under false pretenses.
he said yesterday when he called, he was with a service group so he said he was an "old friend" and wanted to come visit.
Hi Rachel. I can't believe after all these years they want to DA you guys. I just got off the phone with your dad. I wanted some more info on whether or not the elders are really trying to contact all inactive ones to see whether or not they consider themselves to be a JW. My wife and I just want to fade away so we can still talk to our families, but when I read what happened with you, that made me a little upset, like they really are trying to DA people. I felt better after talking with your dad. He has a very kind way about him...must've been all that elder training... Both my wife and I would DA ourselves, but we would lose all contact with our family, and we just don't want that at this time. Anyway, I know it doesn't really matter to you what they do, and that's great. I told your dad we'd like to get together with them after they get back from Hawaii. We hope you guys have a great vacation!!! Don't get sunburned!!
The Elders are coming over
by Princess inafter seven years we finally got a call from an elder this morning.
he wants to come over and talk to steve (he wouldn't talk to me or give me any message).
this particular elder was from steve's old congregation in austin, texas.
Hi Rachel. I was wondering why after all these years you even agree to meet with them? (Not to mention why they even want to bother with you guys) The elders have tried calling us and stopped by, and sometimes we've been home, and other times we haven't. But when we are home, I just don't answer the door. I've just reasoned that they are just salesmen trying to get me to buy their product and I don't want to talk to them, so I ignore 'em. I'll be anxious to hear how the little shepherding visit goes. Make sure them come in the evening so they can see your house all lit up!!