Blondie, I reread your post and noticed a few observations from the Society's quotes....
If illness or advancing age hinders you from accomplishing as much as you would like in Christian activity, do not despair.
Because of limitations imposed by poor health, advancing age, or other circumstances, at times some of us may feel that we are "weaker" or "less honorable" ones. But that is not how Jehovah views matters.
If your situation permits, love will motivate you to spend much time in the ministryperhaps even as a full-time pioneer minister. If you are battling an illness, however, the time you spend in the ministry may be less than you would wish.
The few hours that some can devote to public witnessing may represent a greater effort than the many hours that others spend preaching, in view of younger age, better health, and other circumstances.
Did you notice how they've emphasized illness or bad health as a reason that is acceptable to not be at all meetings and get in lots of hours? IMHO, they're using this as a subliminal message that unless you have a really good excuse, like being ill, then you are expected to "perform" up to standards. Notice the last quote....
may represent a greater effort than the many hours that others spend preaching,
Did you notice how the ill people's efforts may be greater than the MANY hours that others spend preaching? Again, a subliminal message that unless you're sick, you should be spending many hours in the preaching work, because most others are getting in MANY hours.
Anyway, just thought that was kinda interesting. Some may not agree with that, but that's what I happen to see. I copied and pasted your Watchtower quotes into Word and saved it. It may come in handy one day .........
Edited by - jimbob on 8 January 2003 21:57:28