What always pissed me off about the "bell" was that anybody who gave student talks in the school were given the bell if they went overtime, but anytime a brother giving a part on the service meeting went overtime, there was never any counsel given. They could go overtime as much as they wanted. We just had to sit there and listen to them go on and on and nobody told them that their time was up. What pissed me off even more is when the brother before them didn't use up their allotted time, so when they got up to give their part, they had 20 minutes to do a 10 minute part. Now......heaven forbid the service meeting end early....we can't have that!! So they'd stretch their 10 minute part into 20 minutes because they felt they had to use up all the time. God!! I just wanted to scream....."Get the F*** off the stage, your part is over!!" I think all parts should get the bell if they went overtime...of course, since I don't have to sit through that drivel anymore.......I couldn't give a rat's ass!!! But man, did it piss me off!!!