JoinedTopics Started by jimbob
Rosie O'Donnell reads the Watchtower....
by jimbob inokay...i don't know if she reads it or not...but check out the pic on the link below.
she probably picked it up off the street and was looking for a trash can.... .
Seattle PI article on Jdubs
by jimbob insome of it is a joke, cause they say the jw's are a fast growing religion...i'm sure the author of the article only talked to dubs and not ex-dubs to find out the real "truth"...].
the article can be found at this link:.
$55 million settlement
by jimbob ini apologize if this was posted already, but i thought it was interesting.
hopefully the society is the next to pay up.. the full article can be found here...http://www.cnn.com/2003/us/northeast/08/08/priest.abuse/index.html.
boston archdiocese offers $55 million settlementlawyer: hundreds who allege abuse considering terms.
by jimbob inyes, summer is almost here, and this will be my very first summer that i will not be attending a district convention.
since the wife and i left the borg last august, i have looked forward to a summer, free from conventions.
at last that time has arrived.
by jimbob inperhaps this information has already been posted, so if it has i apologize.
but according to the jan 1st watchtower which was given to me, there was a 2.8% increase in publishers in the world over last year, with over 1.2 billion hours spent in service...(like those numbers aren't inflated.... when i looked back at the 92 watchtower, the number of partakers was only 8850...a mere 90 people more.
so in the span of an entire decade...only 90 people have died?????
Informal Witnessing
by jimbob inwell, i was on the road this morning when my wife called me from her cell.
she proceeded to tell me she stopped to get coffee when this asian woman kept trying to talk to her in broken english.
since my wife couldn't understand her, she politely nodded and said, "that's nice" and started walking to her car.
Children's Sports....The New Epidemic of Violence!
by jimbob ini was given the december 8, 2002 awake from a relative, and that is the title to an article inside.
it goes on to relate how violent some parents and coaches have become and gives some examples of parents who have been violent in regards to their children's sports activities.
while i do realize that there probably are instances of violent parents.....i'm sure these instances are relatively few and sporadic.
Are you loyal??? (WT quotes to feel guilty by)
by jimbob ini was doing some research on the wt cd, trying to find an experience i remember really frightened me into never leaving the org..(that's what it takes now to keep people from leaving...fright!
) and i stumbled upon these quotes from the 3/15/96 watchtower...... 10 loyalty to jehovahs visible organization also means having nothing to do with apostates.
loyal christians will not be curious about what such people have to say.
Question for Mulan.......
by jimbob inyou mentioned a little while ago that you were going to post something from reinhard lengtat.
i was wondering if that was still in the works?
i'd sure like to read what he has to say.
Ever get the shaft working for a brother...
by jimbob ini've worked for 2 different brothers in my lifetime.
since they're a brother, you're supposed to be treated better than a worldly employer, right??