Something in the way you wrote leads me to believe that you are really making it. Congratulations!
Posts by AnneB
It's been 1 year today we landed in the wilds of PA
by TotallyADD insorry i have not check in the last 3 months my computer was broke.
and my wife and i have been very busy with the new business.
it has been 1 year today we landed in our new home here in wilds of pa. our 22 year old cat is now 23 years old and somedays it acts like it's going to out live us.
How do you Spell Disfellowshipped?
by RayPublisher inthe reason i ask, is that if you search the wt publications, you will see that it is spelled with only one "p" over 600 times, but also spelled with two "p"s 600 times.. .
very confusing!
any linguistic experts out there that know which it should be?.
D oomed by self-appointed representatives of the God of love, Jehovah
I nvalidated by the rules of a man-made organization
S isters won't talk to you, brothers won't either
F riends abandon you without hearing both sides of the issue
E veryone connected with WT acts as though you were dead
L ove is replaced by disapproval
L oyalty to WT is put before family or friends
O pportunity opens to discover a more genuine way of living
W orthwhile people begin to appear in your life
S ooner or later you realize there may be more to living than you'd been led to believe
H ope begins to take root
I nstead of conditional love you begin to experience the real thing
P eople who comprehend what you are suffering go out of their way to assist
P utting the past behind you becomes easier every day
E nd result is a healthier outlook and a stronger sense of self-identity
D oubt and fear disappear, replaced by a happier and more peaceful lifestyle. You made it! -
Please! I need a plausible excuse for getting out of going to the memorial!
by Inisc ini have been thinking about this for weeks!.
nothing short of death will be acceptable to my mother!.
i thought of saying i will go to another cong but my parents know people there so that won't work.. help!.
"I don't want to" sounds plausible to me. Let the chips fall where they may.
has anyone tried to "study" and get baptized again in a far away congregation?
by Sofi you didn't have to go through the process of being reinstated?
please, share your experiences!
People who were JW's in the early '80's may have heard this "experience" at a Circuit Assembly:
Guy studies with JW's, gets baptized. Guy suffers a severe head trauma and drifts away from the congregation. Many years later someone from that congregation sees a familiar face at a Quick Build and inquires of the local congregation. He's told they don't know much about him, he showed up at the KH with amnesia, but studied and qualified for baptism. The same guy studied and got baptized twice!
That's when the C.O. added his own comment: Isn't it wonderful, brothers! This man couldn't remember anything about his past but he recognized The Truth!
Moral of the story: Someone is going to recognize you sooner or later.
has anyone tried to "study" and get baptized again in a far away congregation?
by Sofi you didn't have to go through the process of being reinstated?
please, share your experiences!
When my ex was DF'd, one of the brothers on his committee actually suggested that; go to another congregation, start another study, and get rebaptized. Really. I didn't think a brother (elder!) would ever say that, but one did.
School is for fools!
by BreathoftheIndianNose inso i'm looking to go to university, as is the norm.
what are the most important things to consider choosing a school and location to study?
and what would you say are the most important things to do in order to benefit from that education and succeed in that field?
never mind. :)
Photo ID Badges for Quick Builds
by metaspy inhey guys, sorry i haven't been on here much lately.. i just thought i would drop by and let you know of something i received.. from when i was 12 until i was 25, i worked on quick builds.. i started out just helping out wherever they would put me - then joined an actual crew: attendants.
i used to flag for forklifts.
then i asked if i could learn how to be an electrician because the flagging was about as boring as watching grass grow.. i only worked on electric crew 1 year, back in 2006.. i just got an email from my attendant crew overseer saying that i need to submit a photo for my id badge so that i can go to quickbuilds.
I'd want to be really sure it was WTBTS that required the photo ID. Maybe it's just some local who has decided to play cop. Information gathering is a lucrative business; I wouldn't be too quick to comply..and I'd be asking questions of higher-ups (like the Service Desk at WT HQ).
by MsGrowingGirl20 inohmygosh!!!
one of my friends who is a ms told me today that the elders have 'marked' me because i'm a and i've decided to go to college next semester???!
he said he can't tell me anymore but to be careful---what the hell does 'mark' mean?
"Consider it all joy when you meet with varous trials..." because you'll see that "Marking" can work to your benefit. You'll get to see who your real friends (if any) are. You'll get to see who thinks for him- or herself, and who follows the leader mindlessly. You'll learn who the gossips are and who has access to "elder information", they'll be the ones spreading the rumors!
Marking is usually private, that is, not announced, so you won't be shamed. At worst someone will give a talk on your particular brand of deviance and then you'll be left to your own devices.
Dealing with elders during my mom's surgery
by noni1974 inmy mother has been working forwell over a year to have a gastric bypass and she finally got the ok from her doctor and insurance.
the date is set for this coming friday.
although, i'm not 100% sure this will happen because she was diagnosed with pneumonia and a partially collapsed lung this past week.
Any word on whether your mom will have surgery this week? Is everything calm with the elders?
Have you ever played the lottery? Do you still do it?
by Iamallcool ini have never purchased lottery tickets in my life, but i have picked lottery numbers with someone in the past only one time.
he agreed to split the winnings if we win, but we didn't.
i am thinking about buying some lottery tickets, hopefully i will get very lucky.
It would be rendering Caesar's things to Caesar, wouldn't it? Seems OK to me!