Posts by AnneB
Your response: THE WRITTEN WORD weakens the human mind....Y? N?
by Terry inwhat reaction do you have--what ideas and responses to what socrates was trying to say?.
has the written word created a weakening in the human mind?.
does relying on books and the thoughts of others cripple our freedom and originality of thought?.
Letter From Whitney's Mother
by breakfast of champions injust saw this on google news.
link to letter here.. .
dear family, i want to tell you that although this has been the worst of my lifes tribulations, that i am still standing.. the obvious reason is that jehovah is the faithful keeper of promises holding to his word that never, would his great love allow his precious children to be tested beyond what we could bear.
The mom said: "...although there was a horrific hole cut from my heart, I have been squeezed so tightly with your love that it has already closed enough to let me breathe..."
This mother is in pain almost beyond what it is possible to bear and remain sane. If what she wrote (above) is true, then she's very fortunate indeed. Some of us were didn't have anyone to love us through losing a child/children.
Weep with those who weep. Don't concern yourself right now with trying to combat what WT/JW's may be doing to inveigle others into the organization. Care about the mother. There will be time for everything else afterward, but right now she (and the others) need every possible good thought or vibe that can possibly be sent.
Speaking from experience,
Whitney Heichel killed by multiple gunshots
by AndersonsInfo inautopsy - whitney killed by multiple gunshots..
salem, ore. -- the oregon state medical examiner's office announced monday the death of 21-year-old whitney heichel was caused by multiple gunshot wounds.
heichel's body was found friday afternoon on larch mountain in east multnomah county.. .
Undercover: I, too, have been thinking about that statement that he forced her to have oral sex. That's his statement! It could be that he shot her because she wouldn't comply! I just can't imagine that the good JW that Whitney is painted to be (and I believe it) would go against God just because somebody pointed a gun at her.
The other thing I've come to realize is that Holt's wife won't have any trouble divorcing him; he's admitted to adultery!
I do feel very, very sad for her and for Whitney's husband and family. This is a case that will remain in my memory for a long time, maybe for the rest of my life. It's not just because she was a JW; I don't know exactly why it is. Maybe it's because no one has had a single bad word to say about Whitney; hat's rare these days.
Whitney Heichel killed by multiple gunshots
by AndersonsInfo inautopsy - whitney killed by multiple gunshots..
salem, ore. -- the oregon state medical examiner's office announced monday the death of 21-year-old whitney heichel was caused by multiple gunshot wounds.
heichel's body was found friday afternoon on larch mountain in east multnomah county.. .
Moshe: Here's an article to answer your question about what the elders knew:
Whitney Heichel case: Jonathan Holt disappeared with friend's rental car in 2011 in 'mental breakdown'
"Jonathan Holt, who faces aggravated murder charges in the death of Whitney Heichel, disappeared with a friend’s rental car one afternoon in 2011 then reappeared early the next morning, saying he had “a mental breakdown,” according to a Gresham police report.
"The report was filed by Holt’s friend, Nathan Bargas, who told police that the two of them went to Best Buy at 1148 N.W. Norman Ave. in Gresham about 1:30 p.m. on Aug. 18, 2011. Bargas said he went into the store to buy a game and left Holt in the rental car with the key in the ignition."When Bargas came out of the store, the car and Holt were gone, the report says.
"Bargas told the officer that he and Holt often played jokes on each other so he waited for his friend to return. When he didn’t come back, Bargas ended up filing a missing person report.
"Bargas said the incident was “very much out of character” for Holt, who he said “was a well-known and trusted friend” and had just completed his EMT training. He told the officer he had no idea where Holt might have gone. He said Holt had shown him a house earlier in the day in Troutdale, saying that he and his wife were planning on renting it.
"Bargas told police that after his friend and the car disappeared he called Holt’s wife, Amanda Holt, who had no idea where he was and knew nothing about a rental house. The Holts were living in an apartment on Northeast Roberts Avenue in Gresham at the time.
"Holt returned the rental car to his friend at 12:30 a.m. the next day. Holt apologized, saying he had had “a mental breakdown,” the report says. He said he “needed to get away and rethink his life and straighten his priorities,” the report says.
"Holt said he had gone to a Washington park where he grew up and stayed there for several hours.
"Bargas did not return a call seeking comment."There's more to the article but it just recaps the crime and says nothing further about the stolen car incident.
Now I read that the local Kingdom Hall is having an Open House for the public, separate from Whitney's memorial. An Open House? At a Kingdom Hall???
The same month I lost my faith in God was when I was appointed an elder
by Most Noble inmy appointment came just when i started having mixed feelings about the existence of god and wt's legitimacy.
isn't it ironic?.
If you wrote to WT, even anonymously, your letter will be sent back to the congregations in the area of the postmark! Yes, that's how far they go to track down anonymous writers!
Hopefully you mailed your letter from another state! If not, even if there are several KH's or congregations in your area, be Awake! (Couldn't resist!) The elders will be hypervigilant, watching for the apostate in their midst.
City Contributes $150,000 to Jehovahs Witnesses Convention
by TJ Curioso incity contributes $150,000 to jehovahs witnesses convention .
by ariella montioctober 22, 2012 | posted in: city council, news, the latest | 0 responsesduring a closed session a month ago raleigh city councilors approved a $150,000 contribution to the christian congregation of jehovahs witnesses convention that will be held next year at the pnc arena.. the city has been contributing money toward the event since it first came to raleigh seven years ago.. this is not new, said city manager russell allen.
he said the event has been built into the citys annual budget for awhile.. the approval came during a closed session after the regular sept. 18 city council meeting.
Partner with The World??? They'll do it. It will probably be something like providing "covered dish" meals on a building site...and having a literature table right there with it.
Whitney Heichels Murderer Was a "Brother"
by daringhart13 inthe girl killed in oregon....found murdered......was killed by a 'brother' in her congregation.. its all hitting the fan in gresham, oregon.
i really hope this wasn't an affair gone bad.
they went to the same congregation and lived in the same apartment complex.. yep.....spiritual paradise.. not going to lie...........i'm filled with rage right now..
As sad as I feel for Whitney and what happened to her, I feel sadder for Holt's wife; her pain is just beginning.
who was the craziest person in your congregation?
by grumblecakes inpls share, i love these stories!.
Some of these "crazies" don't have mental issues, they are greedy, self-centered, and and have learned from years of experience how to use their skills to live off other people. "Learned helplessness". Nice work if you can get it (and want it)!
IMO, no one who has responded on this thread has come across as mean-spirited. It's natural to notice the behavior of others and just as natural to comment on things that catch our attention. Odd behavior runs full spectrum through the human race: we chuckle at the odd things babies do or say, at the antics of children and the childlike. Sometimes the amusement is tinged with bitterness but that's a far cry from disparaging people with mental issues. It's not unkind to be human or to notice other humans, in fact, it's.....human!
Should "Irregulars" Have Psyc Evaluations?
by watson innow that we've found out that the murderer holt was an "irregular" we can all relax.
he wasn't a "regular" witness.
gawd, this reminds me of the witness attempt to assuage their guilt over the conti case, because he wasn't an elder...... .
WT is sly with its choice of terms! "Irregular" immediately brings to mind "something not right". How nicely that serves to distance WT from the alleged murderer in their midst!
Is the man a JW or isn't he? If he was ever baptized as a JW, sure he is! Even if he were to be DF'd he'd still be a "DF'd JW". Once a dub, always a dub as far as WT sees it; always under their "authority".
Is there a difference between "JW" and "Publisher"? Yes. If a person participates in the public ministry (in any form: letter writing, phone calls, "incidental" witnessing, door-to-door, etc.), and is in approved status in the congregation, that person is a "Publisher". Note: even if that person doesn't "publish" he or she is still a "JW".
Say what they may, he's their guy. It's going to be interesting to watch how they backpedal to avoid any bad press on this matter.
who was the craziest person in your congregation?
by grumblecakes inpls share, i love these stories!.
Long years ago there was a professed "annointed" "sister", divorced, raising two foster "children". Children is in quotes because they were actually well over age 18 but because they were severely learning disabled they received disability income checks which, of course, went to the sister. At the time of her divorce (husband "went apostate") the court wanted to place the two boys elsewhere but she went to court and cried that they were her whole life and an exception was made to the two-parent rule in force at that time.
This woman's house (rented from a brother at a very discounted rate) became a crash pad for all the unstable people in the local congregations. Every troubled teen, every unhappily single person and a few unhappily married people hung out there 24/7. The place was a pig sty but that didn't stop the elders from appointing this woman a pioneer. After her personal car group finished their daily McMinistry this woman would yell "Home? Or Roam?" and they'd take off to visit various congregation members just in time for free lunches and an afternoon of counting time on the heads of any unbaptized members of the family. Sister Annointed was exceedingly large. Once she visited our home unannounced and uninvited. When she parked herself on the brand new sofa she literally ripped the upholstery and broke the springs of a custom made, very expensive piece of furniture! No apology, no offer to pay for repair. She did, however, mention the need to support the pioneers with material goods including a living room set so she could have the field service meetings at her place!
The sister claimed that after Armageddon JW's would be sent out to populate other planets so she would match up the unstable people from the KH (three congregations met there), some of whom actually married...and quickly divorced. She had a hand in breaking up one KH marriage and then matching the DF'd ex-husband with another woman in the congregation (who was promptly DF'd). So there in the same hall sat the ex-husband, the ex-wife, the new wife and her two children from a previous marriage, and the couple who got married just so they'd be ready to populate Mars. It was wild trying to figure out who was in good standing for a while, things were changing so fast! It was all OK with Sister Annointed though; no matter how the elders tried to keep her in check she resisted and told them "When I get my powers....".
The last straw for me where this sister was concerned was when she showed up at the Circuit Assembly Hall where they were selling off the old tables, chairs, and dishes (food service had just been stopped). She loaded her car, then told the brother in charge of collecting the payments to send the bill to her Father in the heavens, and drove away.
If she wasn't the craziest maybe it was the brother who would occasionally go off his meds and think he was Jesus Christ. Once he walked out on the field at the District Convention and made it almost all the way to the speaker's platform before the attendants even noticed him. Sad for him 'cause when he was in better shape he was a fine person, a really decent guy, according to my son who had many a good conversation with him.