I'm surprised that dehydration after hours of hard work hasn't been mentioned as a source of discomfort.
Drinking water, lots of it, every single day, will really help.
greetings, my aging friends!
before asking you this question, i tried to do some research on the thought that 'hard work never killed anyone,' but, man, can it cripple you!
what i wanted to figure out is something better than you're getting older and tireder.. many of us have done hard physical labor most of our lives and see no prospect of retirement.
I'm surprised that dehydration after hours of hard work hasn't been mentioned as a source of discomfort.
Drinking water, lots of it, every single day, will really help.
as kid i remember a break of 15 minutes between the public talk and the wt study.
all the new ones and "weak" ones ran out to smoke.
loved to see the attendant round them up to come back in when the droning began again.
I remember the "15 minute break." On Sunday half the Hall left "at the half" and the WT Study was sheer agony because it was 75 minutes long with very few to support the answering. It fell to the older ones who had been around for years and some of their answers could be...literally...five minutes long as they went through entire "scripture chains" to make a point.
There was a 15 minute break between the Ministry School and Service Meeting as well. The literature counter would open, people would line up to buy publications (they cost back then), mothers would stand at the back and talk. When time was called people would argue with the Literature Servant, wanting him to take care of their literature order after the meeting began. There was always talking and clinking money sounds coming from the literature counter during the second half. Magazines were unwrapped, counted, and put into slots marked with publisher's names; apparently this couldn't be done at any other time than during a meeting.
At our Hall the rest rooms were upstairs, as was the Library/Mother's Room. There was a steady stream of young mothers with babies marching up and down those stairs during the meeting. Every time someone opened the door to the Ladies Room the sound of several conversations could be heard. At one point they appointed a bother to clear out all the Sisters who weren't actually there to use the facilities. All that did was move the Sisters to the Library across the hallway!
Meetings were different back then...
entire family of five struck by lightning during flash storm.
may 17, 2014 11:12. by richard wheatstone.
Why does the article state " Five members of a family of Jehovah's Witnesses were injured after being struck by lightning during a violent storm."
What is the reason for this bit of info?
The minute the ambulances appeared they probably started yelping "No blood! No Blood! We're Jehovah's Witnesses!"
this week is the "special week", co is back.. he phone called me this morning asking to meet together.. i replied "i don't refuse people who want talking to me, but my condition is that you must be alone, and we meet in public space.".
he agreed and we will meet tomorrow in a cafe.. .
this week he already met with my wife in the kh, and he told her "i believe your housband is apostate !!
The people at the next table will probably be his witnesses...either that or a couple of JW's will, coincidentally, stop by while you two are talking.
Meet him, and as soon as he says somethint you don't like, ask him "is that why you wanted to talk to me?" then thank him for the info and leave.
is there anywhere i can find a map of each congregations territory.
preferably congregations in cities such as new york, philadelphia, and washington d.c. since the elder's manual and confidential letters are online i figure this has to exist somewhere as well..
Call WTBTS and ask! If you don't want to give your address, give one on the same block, same side of the street in case you are near a boundary.
is there anywhere i can find a map of each congregations territory.
preferably congregations in cities such as new york, philadelphia, and washington d.c. since the elder's manual and confidential letters are online i figure this has to exist somewhere as well..
The territory maps are carved from a map done by the County Engineer's Office if you are in the USA. They issue the map, it's up to you to draw in the territories.
a group of bastards, in the name of their islamic religion, under the name 'boko haram' (or 'western education is forbidden') have kidnapped hundreds of youg girls from their school and are threatening to sell them - not least because in their religious view the girls should be married, not pursuing education.. .
have i missed the wt public statement condemning this?
or that of other religions, come to that?
What good is speaking out? What good is condemning? The people who did the kidnapping are well aware of how others feel about them; the outraged response is like fuel to their fire, not the opposite.
If the situation is to have a positive outsome it will happen in silence, in secrecy, not by drawing attention to their cause and their actions.
that's right, millions now living are living during the best of times for humanity.
but aren't these critical times hard to deal with?
aren't these the last days of a dying wicked system of things.
Whenever it is that they are saying Peace and Security...
i came across this article today and really appreciated it's positive message; and so i wanted to share a few choice excerpts that i thought were particularly relevant for this group:.
7 things remarkably happy people do often1.
make good friends - make real friends.
Live the life you want to live - "I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me." What other people think--especially people you don't even know--doesn't matter. What other people want you to do doesn't mater. Your hopes, your dreams, your goals... live your life your way. Surround yourself with people who support and care not for the "you" they want you to be but for the real you.
What other people want you to do DOES matter. Living life without considering how your life meshes with the lives of your family, for instance, can destroy the lives of others. What if they need you for support? Are you going to go after your dreams, hopes, goals and live life your way? How selfish can a person get???