CO is chasing me . Meeting him tomorrow.

by Ancientofdays 61 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Ancientofdays

    This week is the "special week", CO is back.
    He phone called me this morning asking to meet together.

    I replied "I don't refuse people who want talking to me, but my condition is that you must be alone, and we meet in public space."
    He agreed and we will meet tomorrow in a cafe.

    This week he already met with my wife in the KH, and he told her "I believe your housband is APOSTATE !!" (LOL , toke one year and 3 visits for him to realize this .)
    During last visit CO tried to push my wife witnessing against me, because I chat and meet regularly with a neighbor guy disfelloshipped. His gol was to have my self disfellowshipped too.

    I would meet this man out from his role, alone, without bag and bible and ties probably, and will be very rude in telling him what I think.

    Any suggestion ?

  • AnneB

    The people at the next table will probably be his witnesses...either that or a couple of JW's will, coincidentally, stop by while you two are talking.

    Meet him, and as soon as he says somethint you don't like, ask him "is that why you wanted to talk to me?" then thank him for the info and leave.

  • joe134cd

    He will be trying to establish a JC for you. Think carefully about the outcome you may want.

  • XstuckX

    Why meet with him? Seems like it would be a lot easier to just say no.

  • NotNew

    For start...why be rude?

    being resolved in your convictions does not have to come off as nasty, rude, or indifferent. You lose because he will feel justified...ur what he thought.

    To start it would be better to listen to what he has to say, and what he is "fishing" for. In other word seek to understand then base your comments on that.


  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    I do not see anything good comming from this, unless you want to be DA or DF'ed. You know what his goal is. They play using their rules not logical ones.

  • Ding

    Being rude and telling him what you think is a sure road to getting DFd.

    If that's something you want to avoid, why meet with him at all?

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    he has already stated his agenda in talking to your wife, ...He will record the conversation even if you are alone and no one is listening in, so why bother?

  • KateWild

    This is just a man who has been fooled by the WT. He is in a cult and is trapped by his indoctrination. Be polite and calm, do not give him any reason to feel you are a bad person. Only tell him information that you're comfortable sharing that won't get you df'd, unless you don't care about being df'd.

    Please be polite and caring and thank him for his time, it will be the best course of action and he won't be able to act on anything if you are being reasonable.

    All the best

    Kate xx

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    What do you hope to accomplice from this meeting?

    Anyway remember he initiated the meeting so he should buy the coffe.

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