He had no answer and called me a work of Satan.
LOL Typical witness response to awkward questions.
i gotta admit that i have my doubts about god.
my dad is an elder.
we were having a discussion about the bible.
He had no answer and called me a work of Satan.
LOL Typical witness response to awkward questions.
League Of Gentlemen - Orange Juice
Little Britain USA has a lot more American characters in it. I don't think it's as course as the British series but still quite rude.
You might like The League Of Gentlemen if you haven't seen it already, it's very dark and weird but hilarious.
Did you like Little Britain USA or the original Little Britain?
Do you get the original in the USA?
jehovah is apparently allowing the preaching work to continue to save as many people as possible.
(that's what i was always told and read anyway.).
last time i checked population growth far outsrips the growth of jehovah's witnesses.
So, Witnesses have about 94 million more people to Witness to each year.
So 94 million extra people every year are going to die at the big A
What a loving provision from God.
my life has reached to a dead end...i'm stuck and there is no way out.
i was inactive for 6 years and i'm disfellowshiped for the past 3. i would never think that my life would have been in this terrible mess.. .
i wasn't planned to be disfellowshiped by my "wife" turned me in to the elders for apostasy 2 times!!!
I had a similar situation when I came out,, but I mentally prepared myself for what might happen.
There are always choices, being asked to leave your own home is just a bridge too far in my book.
Hope you can find the strength and courage to do what you need to do.
Lots of love to you.
questions for reniaa and jw's to think about:.
1:) can you explain, using only the bible, why we should believe that today's governing body of jehovah's witnesses is the sole channel of communication between god and mankind?.
2:) can you explain, using only the bible, why we should believe that daniel's prophecy about king nebuchadnezzar's 7 years of insanity has a secondary meaning, and why we should believe that this secondary meaning is pointing toward jesus becoming king in 1914?.
She can't and won't...but but Jehovah's witnesses are the only true religion.
doesn't it just make you sick to your stomach?.
dozens of doctrine changes that effect the lives of the rank and file: the fds are only imperfect men and didn't understand the bible truths at the time.. pedophiles that are protected or not reported and allowed to stay in the congregation: these men are imperfect and this sin isn't unique to jws.
the organisation has it's problems just like any other...they are not perfect after all.. all their prophesies - failed: the fds are only imperfect men and have never claimed to be a prophet.. i am truly sick of this overused excuse.
If you know your imperfect the don't make grandiose claims.
i'm not only talking about our former religion, but all faiths.
members will defend their faith, some very stubbornly no matter what evidence is shown to them, even if it's from the bible.
many a time they only want it to be seen their way and won't allow for another interpretation.. does it stem from the fact that they are scared about being wrong?
I don't know but it's truly pathetic to see it. Arguing and quoting scriptures back at each other. Then they'll tell you how close they are to Jesus and how he showed them the right path.
Pathetic and deluded in my humble opinion.
topics & threads about relationships, love, sex, men & women etc etc (and reniaa .
gets most responses.. .
I wanna thank Reniaa. I was losing interest in this board, thought it was becoming a little bit circular.
But since she has been here, it's kinda got me fired up and thinking again (about how I can get more witnesses out) LOL.