Yes but your a lot less likely to get cancer. I'm not preaching here (I'm a meat eater) but the health benefits are there.
Just wish I could do it.
sydney (afp) - people who live on vegetarian diets have slightly weaker bones than their meat-eating counterparts, australian researchers said thursday.. a joint australian-vietnamese study of links between the bones and diet of more than 2,700 people found that vegetarians had bones five percent less dense than meat-eaters, said lead researcher tuan nguyen.. the issue was most pronounced in vegans, who excluded all animal products from their diet and whose bones were six percent weaker, nguyen said.. there was "practically no difference" between the bones of meat-eaters and ovolactovegetarians, who excluded meat and seafood but ate eggs and dairy products, he said.. "the results suggest that vegetarian diets, particularly vegan diets, are associated with lower bone mineral density," nguyen wrote in the study, which was published thursday in the american journal of clinical nutrition.
"but the magnitude of the association is clinically insignificant," he added.. nguyen, who is from sydney's garvan institute for medical research and collaborated on the project with the pham ngoc thach university of medicine in ho chi minh city, said the question of whether the lower density bones translated to increased fracture risk was yet to be answered.. "given the rising number of vegetarians, roughly five percent (of people) in western countries, and the widespread incidence of osteoporosis, the issue is worth resolving," he said.. .
article taken from yahoo news ...........................outlaw.
Yes but your a lot less likely to get cancer. I'm not preaching here (I'm a meat eater) but the health benefits are there.
Just wish I could do it.
i have been married for over 30 years to a woman who was as good as i could have realistically hoped for and i probably am as good as she could have hoped for.. yet, over time, she has become less and less willing to respect my experience and conclusions concerning life.
the signs of disrespect are a knee-jerk reaction to doubt and correct my point of view even before i complete a thought or sentence.
while some of that can be seen in her mother and may be conditioned, my departure from the organizartion and her continued dedication to same has amplified her apparent inner distain.
I wouldn't tolerate that. Would she?
Talk to her about her behaviour.
ok, am very confused:.
honeymoons and wedding rings, based in paganism, ok for a jw to do.. windchimes, once prohibited due to the intent to ward off evil spirits, ok for a jw to have.. pinatas, once prohibited due to origin, now since folks do not associate the fun with a pinata, ok for a jw to do.. wedding anniversaries, not sure if they are formally addressed in the bible, ok for a jw to do.. birthdays, two bad examples in the bible plus some stories how originally celebrated by the wealthy (choose to ignore job 1 - job 3 when a persons special day is celebrated), not ok for a jw to do (have not been at a birthday party ever where someone was beheaded).
thanksgiving, actually a basis in the old testament for a celebration of the harvest, not ok for jws to do.
You draw the line where the watchtower tells you to draw the line. And if they draw a new line you follow that one.
you gotta love good old russell.. russell said (in 1908).
all who cut loose from the society and its work, instead of prospering themselves or upbuilding others in the faith and in the graces of the spirit, seemingly do the reverseattempt injury to the cause they once served, and, with more or less noise, gradually sink into oblivion, harming only themselves and others possessed of a similarly contentious spirit.
if some think that they can get as good or better provender at other tables, or that they can produce as good or better themselveslet these take their course.
LOL There is a picture of Danny Haszard on that blog. He is the poster child for apostates.
i'm tired, i'm tired of feeling guilty all the time, tired of feeling manipulated into doing something that i am sure that i do not want to do anymore.. i am just back from a few days in madrid at our assembly.
despite myself i found myself enjoying some of the talks - particulary some on saturday.
but probably not the right reasons.
Trust me you have nothing to fear and life on 'the other side' is so much better.
Peace to you, be brave.
i just read a post there about "the village" and how it has similarities to jw was a good wee film and i can definitely see the links..... it made me think of other films and programs where the scenarios have a very familiar feel to them...... star trek being the obvious one with "the borg"....... "fiddler on the roof".........obviously this was not meant to be jw's........but the similarities were amazing and i remember thinking it was perfectly normal that a family would cut their daughter out of their lives simply because she fell in love with someone from a different background......oh how my feelings have changed!.
any more you can think of?.
rose x.
The Village
i have decided to leave this organization!--a letter from a first century christian.
hi, brothers and sisters.
How is the first century congregation comparable to a multi billion corporation?
i find it interesting that i posted about 16 days ago concerning whether i should write a letter and.
allow my ex wife to be free and marry.. saturday night she called out of the blue ( maybe there is a god upthere looking down) after 3 years of not talking to her and she wants to meets.. we met last night and after small talk about how we are both doing and family stuff, she asked me if i would write a letter.
freeing her or releasing her from our marriage without admitting adultery, since i don't believe in the bible anymore,.
If losing your daughters is hanging over your head like a sword of damocles then she can stay single.
hi guys and gals,.
i am a hypocryte.
brought up in the "truth" but know its not.
Spike Tassel (Post 75) re The-Borg (Post 348): Among all that have been in human form, I recognize only Jesus Christ as my leader, as per Mat.23:10. As long as there living faith and love, there is hope and reason.
Oh dear, you better tell Reniaa that, she keeps calling them leaders. Thanks for ignoring my question.
hi guys and gals,.
i am a hypocryte.
brought up in the "truth" but know its not.
Spike Tassel, Reniaa.
According to your leaders we are the evil slave class and condemned to go to gehenna and the second death. Why would you want to reason with us? We have already been judged according to your leaders.
I think it's great that there are more and more active witnesses that are willing to ignore the propaganda of the GB and come to forums like this.