I have been married for over 30 years to a woman who was as good as I could have realistically hoped for and I probably am as good as she could have hoped for.
Yet, over time, she has become less and less willing to respect my experience and conclusions concerning life. The signs of disrespect are a knee-jerk reaction to doubt and correct my point of view even before I complete a thought or sentence. While some of that can be seen in her Mother and may be conditioned, my departure from the organizartion and her continued dedication to same has amplified her apparent inner distain. It's quite clear for me to see. For instance, should an elder makes a suggestion, she smiles and readily complies, even when their seems to make little sense. Should I make a similar suggestion, her facial response is just the opposite. No words are exchanged, she simply tunes me out.
So, is my situation unique? Do others tolerate such relationships because the pluses still outweigh the minuses. Is it ever too late to walk away and live what's left alone?