JoinedTopics Started by Hiddenwindow
This is important (Quoting Betsy and Jeremy C.)
by Hiddenwindow inthe society insists in its cultish talk.
given the secretive nature of the governing body's delibarations, we do not know what they are preparing for.
both besy and jeremy c. made excellent contributions to a recent thread, and i want to follow up.
This is important (quoting Jeremy C.)
by Hiddenwindow inthe society insists in its cultish talk.
given the secretive nature of the governing body's delibarations, we do not know what they are preparing for.
both besy and jeremy c. made excellent contributions to a recent thread, and i want to follow up.
The Watch Tower will implode
by Hiddenwindow ini honestly believe that the watch tower's insistence in silencing disent will eventually destroy it.
no one knows at this point how many doubters and closet apostates are still inside.
and the wt itself is unable to identify most of them.
If you cheat on me, I will forgive you, but not if you leave Jehovah
by Hiddenwindow inwhen i told my wife that i no longer believe the wt is the truth, she started crying and said that it was easier for her to forgive me if i am unfaithful to her than if i leave the wt.
i am sure now: being a witness is a form of mental illness.
WT: Dumbing down the message; no intellectuals allowed
by Hiddenwindow inhave you noticed that the most recent publications by the watch tower, and particularly the study articles of the watchtower magazine, contain less and less references to secular sources?
there is not doubt that the society was always making efforts to provide us with a historical and quasi-intellectual perspective of the world.
i am sure all of you can think of books by the watch tower that contained extensive information on history, biology, and even philosophy (insight, creation book, the bible -god's word or man's?
Leave silently or loudly: that is the question
by Hiddenwindow insince the wt has always capitalized on secrecy, aren't we playing into their game when we leave silently?
wouldn't it be better to make as much noise as possible when leaving?
it would be of great help if each individual who leaves for matters of conscience or disagreement with doctrine wrote a letter to his entire congregation and family explaining his view on the issues.
Ex-JW should take advantage of the podcast technology
by Hiddenwindow ini listen to podcasts several times a week.
while surfing itunes and downloading programs, i see a lot of ex-mormons podcasts, which i usually put in my ipod, but practically none from jw.
shouldn't we take advantage of this?
JW parents apreciate it when the State saves their children
by Hiddenwindow inhttp://www.catholic.org/hf/health/story.php?id=30411.
i have seen similar cases before.
when jw parents find themselves in the middle of obeying the wt or letting their children die, they usually obey the wt (we all know what indoctrination and fear mean).
Did you ever feel as if you were socially handicapped as a Witness?
by Hiddenwindow insome of my friends claim that growing up as witnesses was a normal experience, in the sense that they did not miss celebrating hollidays or associating with wordly people.
these friends are witnesses in good standing, therefore, i doubt their sincerity and feel that they just do not want to go agaist the party line.
in my case, since i always had the desire to participate in extracurricular activities in school (and did when i could), always felt actracted to politics and art, it was very hard.