I agree whole heartedly wednesday about what happens " after" I don't think of death the same way I used to , yes life is valuable and we shouldn't treat it with a callous attitude life is indeed a gift , but Jesus said plainly who ever tries to save his soul would lose it, I really really wonder some times when I lie in bed at night why was it that he appeared to some of his disciples in different appearances, his looks were different each time, why so important that he " entered a locked room"? when he could've simply knocked? what was the 3rd heaven paul spoke about , and his mentioning " whether in the body or out of the body I do not know" answers to these questions I don't have ... but every day that goes by and the more I read the bible this is just the beginning, this universe has no boundaries, the power of just our " dwarf" sun is incredible to think we were just meant to live our lives even in a paradise condition with out REALLY challenging our minds is ridiculous. When Jesus told peter to simply get out of the boat and walk to him , he was making an incredible point that so many today not just witnesses, people of all kinds of religions miss, they miss the fact that Jesus did not impart any special power to Peter he didn't wave a wand, he didn't snap his fingers or clap his hands he simply said come to me peter, and peter got out and walked on water. 11 other men never got out of the boat, I don't want to be one of those men, wednesday , i'm like you I look up at the sky every night and I pray and give thanks for the things i have but also for the things I know he has in store for those of us who really still are like children at heart who aren't afraid to dream and who still believe in the unbelievable. death is something Satan holds over us, notice he holds no punches with parents? first thing he does is attack the kids, shadrach meshach and abendigo, same thing, worship me or die, they said no and into the furnace they go, were not all saved from death like those three young men and it's clear some of us will die at the hands of another, maybe in a car crash, maybe cancer, but its the unknown that we really shouldn't fear . this one young brother who I know " KNOWS" :) once gave this comment at the hall, he said Jehovah is a father, fathers like to play this game with sons and daughters , we've all done it at one time or another, the kids go up a few stairs then turn and face thier dad, then they say okay dad im gonna jump , and they jump they know that thier father will catch them becuase he loves them, im not talking about putting your life in danger , this isn't satan telling Jesus jump from the top of the temple put God to the test, im talking about a real relationship with Jehovah knowing that he will always take care of us, a bad dad doesn't play that game with his kids and the children definitely woudl'nt jump into his arms. my point is our limited minds only see the here and now, he can make it better, maybe pauls 3rd heaven will become painfully clear some day. a little faith and some trust in our father who has provided day in and day out for us will go a long way. Time for me to shut up now , lol gotta watch these old sanford and son dvds i finally got a hold of :)
JoinedPosts by patientbrother
evidence of angelic direction
by tank ini just came across this on the official watchtover web site www.watchtower.org/ .
jehovah's witnesses spend more than a billion hours annually preaching the good news of god's kingdom.
evidence of angelic direction
by tank ini just came across this on the official watchtover web site www.watchtower.org/ .
jehovah's witnesses spend more than a billion hours annually preaching the good news of god's kingdom.
I agree whole heartedly wednesday about what happens " after" I don't think of death the same way I used to , yes life is valuable and we shouldn't treat it with a callous attitude life is indeed a gift , but Jesus said plainly who ever tries to save his soul would lose it, I really really wonder some times when I lie in bed at night why was it that he appeared to some of his disciples in different appearances, his looks were different each time, why so important that he " entered a locked room"? when he could've simply knocked? what was the 3rd heaven paul spoke about , and his mentioning " whether in the body or out of the body I do not know" answers to these questions I don't have ... but every day that goes by and the more I read the bible this is just the beginning, this universe has no boundaries, the power of just our " dwarf" sun is incredible to think we were just meant to live our lives even in a paradise condition with out REALLY challenging our minds is ridiculous. When Jesus told peter to simply get out of the boat and walk to him , he was making an incredible point that so many today not just witnesses, people of all kinds of religions miss, they miss the fact that Jesus did not impart any special power to Peter he didn't wave a wand, he didn't snap his fingers or clap his hands he simply said come to me peter, and peter got out and walked on water. 11 other men never got out of the boat, I don't want to be one of those men, wednesday , i'm like you I look up at the sky every night and I pray and give thanks for the things i have but also for the things I know he has in store for those of us who really still are like children at heart who aren't afraid to dream and who still believe in the unbelievable. death is something Satan holds over us, notice he holds no punches with parents? first thing he does is attack the kids, shadrach meshach and abendigo, same thing, worship me or die, they said no and into the furnace they go, were not all saved from death like those three young men and it's clear some of us will die at the hands of another, maybe in a car crash, maybe cancer, but its the unknown that we really shouldn't fear . this one young brother who I know " KNOWS" :) once gave this comment at the hall, he said Jehovah is a father, fathers like to play this game with sons and daughters , we've all done it at one time or another, the kids go up a few stairs then turn and face thier dad, then they say okay dad im gonna jump , and they jump they know that thier father will catch them becuase he loves them, im not talking about putting your life in danger , this isn't satan telling Jesus jump from the top of the temple put God to the test, im talking about a real relationship with Jehovah knowing that he will always take care of us, a bad dad doesn't play that game with his kids and the children definitely woudl'nt jump into his arms. my point is our limited minds only see the here and now, he can make it better, maybe pauls 3rd heaven will become painfully clear some day. a little faith and some trust in our father who has provided day in and day out for us will go a long way. Time for me to shut up now , lol gotta watch these old sanford and son dvds i finally got a hold of :)
evidence of angelic direction
by tank ini just came across this on the official watchtover web site www.watchtower.org/ .
jehovah's witnesses spend more than a billion hours annually preaching the good news of god's kingdom.
I agree whole heartedly wednesday about what happens " after" I don't think of death the same way I used to , yes life is valuable and we shouldn't treat it with a callous attitude life is indeed a gift , but Jesus said plainly who ever tries to save his soul would lose it, I really really wonder some times when I lie in bed at night why was it that he appeared to some of his disciples in different appearances, his looks were different each time, why so important that he " entered a locked room"? when he could've simply knocked? what was the 3rd heaven paul spoke about , and his mentioning " whether in the body or out of the body I do not know" answers to these questions I don't have ... but every day that goes by and the more I read the bible this is just the beginning, this universe has no boundaries, the power of just our " dwarf" sun is incredible to think we were just meant to live our lives even in a paradise condition with out REALLY challenging our minds is ridiculous. When Jesus told peter to simply get out of the boat and walk to him , he was making an incredible point that so many today not just witnesses, people of all kinds of religions miss, they miss the fact that Jesus did not impart any special power to Peter he didn't wave a wand, he didn't snap his fingers or clap his hands he simply said come to me peter, and peter got out and walked on water. 11 other men never got out of the boat, I don't want to be one of those men, wednesday , i'm like you I look up at the sky every night and I pray and give thanks for the things i have but also for the things I know he has in store for those of us who really still are like children at heart who aren't afraid to dream and who still believe in the unbelievable. death is something Satan holds over us, notice he holds no punches with parents? first thing he does is attack the kids, shadrach meshach and abendigo, same thing, worship me or die, they said no and into the furnace they go, were not all saved from death like those three young men and it's clear some of us will die at the hands of another, maybe in a car crash, maybe cancer, but its the unknown that we really shouldn't fear . this one young brother who I know " KNOWS" :) once gave this comment at the hall, he said Jehovah is a father, fathers like to play this game with sons and daughters , we've all done it at one time or another, the kids go up a few stairs then turn and face thier dad, then they say okay dad im gonna jump , and they jump they know that thier father will catch them becuase he loves them, im not talking about putting your life in danger , this isn't satan telling Jesus jump from the top of the temple put God to the test, im talking about a real relationship with Jehovah knowing that he will always take care of us, a bad dad doesn't play that game with his kids and the children definitely woudl'nt jump into his arms. my point is our limited minds only see the here and now, he can make it better, maybe pauls 3rd heaven will become painfully clear some day. a little faith and some trust in our father who has provided day in and day out for us will go a long way. Time for me to shut up now , lol gotta watch these old sanford and son dvds i finally got a hold of :)
Destroying One's Faith
by Sunspot inthe jws are always grumbling that former jws are trying to "destroy their faith" and that they have nothing nice to say about the men who write for the watchtower or their peculiar teachings.. but then---jws go to people's homes and try to convince them that they should stop:.
praising jesus,.
celebrating or honoring their lord and savior on his resurrection or on his birth,.
I agree whole heartedly with the above post, remember Jesus warned that all this would happen, he didn't say in the bible" I'm coming to you to bring daughter and mom close, to bridge the gap between father and son, no he said very clearly that the realization of what truth really is would be the dividing factor. The same attitude displayed by the pharisees is being displayed by those in our halls today, how ever there are alot and I mean " ALOT" who are hurting inside, but we wait on Jehovah, the inspection of his house did not take place back in 1914 , any person who truly trusts Jehovah knows that , remember Jesus words? " on a day when the slave does not expect it the master will arrive to inspect" those of us, you and I have every thing we need in the bible, show compassion show love, show understanding, we have all the tools necessary You and I are serving in that great big house , now regardless of what the head slave is doing we all know our jobs, If you see some one down spiritually build them up, don't tear down, when Jesus spoke to the samaritan woman at the well that was a huge no no for a Jew at that time, liken that to seeing a DF'd person at the store now make application, where is your heart really? I saw a young man from our hall who has been df'd for 3 months walking twoards me at the mall, he saw me coming straight at him and looked almost scared and embarrassed like he didn't want to make eye contact, but instead I kept going at him I said his name and hugged him, we slapped eachother on the back just said hello and it was like that was all he needed, he walked away smiling and inside my heart felt so awsome. we only said hello , we didn't sit and chat for an hour or have lunch, but really I might have broken one of " MAN's" laws but I kept a very important one of God's laws, keep showing love to one another as I have show love to you. Even the Apostle Paul who I rarely quote becuase some times he reminds me of these olderones who have lost the love, even he said , dont punish a person to the point of where you become satanic in your dealings and then you break the person down so much their heart is broken into tiny pieces...... Woe to him that stumbles one of my little sheep. tender and compassionate is the true mark of some one who loves Jehovah.
How can I learn to more assertive?
by Apostate Kate2 ini think this is left over from dubdays, dunno.
when i need to be assertive i fizzle out.
my husband was furious when he came home.
lol, although I'm almost 100% sure Jesus never used the term STFU , we all can't help but laugh to ourselves when we read about Jesus getting so angry and over turning the tables of the money changers in the temple. Although were taught not to love money notice how many of Jesus examples involve money, pay back ceasers things to ceaser, what you vow pay, God hates a fixed scale, in other words we don't love money but he did tell us to know what's going on , don't be stupid and dont be gullible and to stand up for right and wrong. So you tell them boys to finish the job they contracted to do, that way later in life when they are older adults and practice good business sense they will remember you as a positive influence in their lives. ( just remember the mind of a teenager, it may not get through till much much later lol!)
evidence of angelic direction
by tank ini just came across this on the official watchtover web site www.watchtower.org/ .
jehovah's witnesses spend more than a billion hours annually preaching the good news of god's kingdom.
exactly Wednesday that was my point in a nutshell, listen heres a perfect story to sum it up the other night my wife and I were watching a documentary about a family with a young child with lukemia, in the hospital room the grandfather lead a family prayer I don't know what religion they were all I know is my wife and I cried, after i managed to squeak in a little something , I said to my wife I cried when the grandpa said that prayer, and my wife said yes you could tell he loves his grandchild, then she added Jehovah hears every ones prayers if it is truly from the heart. ie: not praying at the superbowl for your favorite team to win..etc. any ways flash forward a week , were at the in laws, father in law is a well, I dont want to give out too much info on postion and such but lets just say he is a player in the game that is developing, at any rate the same show was on right before dinner were all watching and when the grandfather was praying my father in law gives like a long sigh and kinda huffs , and says " alot of good that will do , praying to a false God!" let me tell you all , as strongly as you all feel , I cannot describe the sickening feeling I had in my stomach at that remark, this is why im not a servant becuase like Uriah finally (with Jehovahs spirit backing him) laid into Job like no one else could've. So yes I believe Angels help out humans, but guess what? thier individuals too, they have lives , things they like to do, they aren't some sort of heavenly maid service, these are higher intelligent beings who like our heavenly father want us to keep advancing, that's why were all here on this board together isn't it? that's why we've all found each other? And don't think for a second I don't realize some of you haven't lost loved ones in some freak accident, or to disease, or some other tragedy, some one once explained it really simply to me , he asked if i love my kids , i said yes i do , he asked would you protect them from any harm if you could and i said yes , and then he asked me do you let them skateboard? the point being we make our own way, we do what we need to do, in the end there is a plan , you and I dont know for sure exactly what Jesus meant when he said " look im making a new heavens and a new earth" for all you know the ressurection could be taking place already in one place or another and can you imagine your blaming God for not bieng there and being bitter with him when he has already made your loved one whole? anyways ill stop for now its getting late and you all should be in bed anyways and not staring at your computer screens its bad for your eyes lol have a good night.
evidence of angelic direction
by tank ini just came across this on the official watchtover web site www.watchtower.org/ .
jehovah's witnesses spend more than a billion hours annually preaching the good news of god's kingdom.
What we have to ask ourselves though is , has there been an instance of this in the past ? documented? any one remmember and old fellah named Balaam? donkey doesn't move , it absolutely frightened by something he can see but his rider cannot? sound familiar?. Don't ever suppose for one second that Jehovah's angelic forces are not powerful enough to stop a simple human from harming another human, and remmember how modest they are also. Of course this may have happened and of course the WTBTS would exploit it and say it was evidence of Jehovah's divine blessing upon them, " Is it from this rock , that (I) shall bring you people water!!" you get the point?
new september 2007 Kingdom Ministry Qbox
by patientbrother inbrothers i absolutely had to join this web site once i saw the new km for this coming month, has any one else had a chance to view this?
i'm absolutely flabbergasted for the first time in my life, what about the the apostle paul and the bereans?
didn't he encourage them to go and find out for them selves the truth?
It's very nice to meet the new faces here and to also hear the voices of those that are still on the inside as well, like myself. The hard part for some of us , especially the ones who give deep comments , because they still have a love for their heavenly father is that the elders take notice,. Out in service they will constantly ask why am I not serving. In all truthfulness Brothers and Sisters, I like you ,believe this is just the beginning, this new KM the NGO scandal the tight grip the society is keeping on it's members , alot of people are asking questions now , every one has the internet, I have a October 1st 1968 Awake magazine I keep in my bible with me at all times, during our last CO visit I even pulled it out when we were all making car groups in the back and he was asking if any one was offering dated literature I stood next to him and jokingly pulled the magazine out and said I was going to offer that, he kind of jokingly said " wow that's going back a ways". I told him that alot of the very old publications were available on ebay, and that I had been outbid on a pink song book that I wanted so badly, my underlying point to him being that , millions upon millions of witnesses had unbridled access to the internet, and they were making use of it. with the societies new KM Q-box this shows I believe a split that is occurring at Bethel , who do you think it was that finally got www.watchtower.org up and running?(younger Bothers) and then think to yourself who probably fought against the idea,(older Bothers) remember the pharisees did not want to let go of the old mosaic law, they didn't want to recognize the Messiah and the new provisions for life, so today there has begun a tug of war inside of Bethel, thats why I am still in the Kingdom hall Jesus said we were to care for his precious sheep, its our duty to him as our savior , and Brothers you all know that when this split occurs and it will soon, alot of innocent but just blindsided brothers are going to be hurting and that is when people like you and I have the opportunity to show love and compassion to one another just as Jesus demonstrated while on earth. There are going to be so many confused and they are going to need our love. remmember Jesus words at Matthew 24:45-51 notice he specifically says but if ever that evil slave shoud say in his heart " my master is delaying". and then read verse 51 and you cannot help but be fearful, these brothers of ours GB, DOs COs elders and ministerial servants are going to be held accountable to a greater degree because they had the power to speak out because of their assignments , but please don't give up hope always pray for Jehovah's holy spirit to effect each and every one of them to remember that Jehovah is in charge and it is Jehovah's heavenly kingdom, and that we are subjects and therefore subjected to him. last point , Moses was one of the most faithful humans to ever walk this planet and serve Jehovah, but do not forget that when he sinned by saying what he did when he struck the rock Jehovah did not hold back from punishing him, he didn't look the other way so to speak, but remember who lead Isreal into the promised land? it was a young man weve all read about Joshua who had a heart that truly loved his heavenly father and older ones dont forget his companion Kaleb even though he was alot older than Joshua he served in a very important duty, he gave Joshua sound advice , So don't be discouraged when you think back to all the years and you begin to see the evil slave showing himself, rather like we have been told all along gird up the armor that God does provide and and dig in. May Jehovah bless all those who earnestly search for him.
How can I learn to more assertive?
by Apostate Kate2 ini think this is left over from dubdays, dunno.
when i need to be assertive i fizzle out.
my husband was furious when he came home.
I agree whole heartedly you have to put your foot down, i could give a ton of examples just from our hall alone but one will suffice, a regular pioneer recently moved her and her husband are not in the best of health but they are also not handicapped, alot of our sisters went over to her house to help pack, this sister didn't have any boxes ready, didn't have anything sorted out , alot of the sisters stayed until very late in the evening , mind you they have thier own families to take care of , dinners to make lunches to pack and what not, anyways alot of brothers and sisters ended up having a negative attitude twoard this sister becuase of the way she seemingly took advantage. remember the advice written in the bible about overstaying your welcome and other things like that . If Jehovah wanted us to be walked all over constantly he would've never stood up for the nation of isreal, Jesus said turn the other cheek but he also gave examples of how to be unselfish and how to show true brotherly love to one another, and asking for your moneys worth is not violating his principles.
Destroying One's Faith
by Sunspot inthe jws are always grumbling that former jws are trying to "destroy their faith" and that they have nothing nice to say about the men who write for the watchtower or their peculiar teachings.. but then---jws go to people's homes and try to convince them that they should stop:.
praising jesus,.
celebrating or honoring their lord and savior on his resurrection or on his birth,.
I know how strongly you feel, I felt it out in service last week, talking to a man in our area named Andrew, he was from back east and missed his baptist church, the elder I was with instead of complimenting him on wanting to worship God instead attacked the trinity doctrine, some where in the discussion i interupted and we got on the subject of doubting Thomas, it turned out to be really interesting but again proves the point there is a huge gap that is forming between the young and informed and the old and set in their ways... so at lunch with all the brothers i casually brought up the bible account of when the Isrealites were about to go into the promised land, and i pointed out how the older ones 30yrs of age and over weren't allowed to cross, i asked why that was, although i knew the answer, the very same brother i was out in the field with answered thats becuase they weren't thinking like Jehovah and got set in their ways, AHA.... change will come and Jehovah will see to it, think of all the bible examples when wicked men lead worship in the temple they weren't dispatched right away but rather in Jehovah's due time when he saw fit he did just so. The same thing is true of our time, our father will not stand by forever and let men prophesy falsely in his name. Just remember that the young person you see at the door with the ignorant older man understands you and hears your voice and your biblical arguments. dont lose faith and definitely don't let someone discourage the love you have for your father...