When everyone else has abandonded me can I not take comfort in the fact that God never will?
You can of course, but if that god doesn't exist, then sooner or later he'll abandon you too, and you'll think it's your fault. If he's real and he cares, he'll let you know unequivocally.
I have been rejected and thrown away so many times by the org, by my family, even by close so called wordly friends..I have no doubt I will be again. So then I'm where? Back where I was before? Even worse.
Some people will do that. A few won't. Whether or not you believe the same as they do, they'll stick by you, through thick and thin. They're real friends. Treasure them.
I'm just shocked. I cant understand how what the purpose of life is withough a God.
What's the purpose of life
with a god? Does something have to be eternal to be purposeful?
I dont even like entertaining this possibility but I cant not. I wish I hadnt started this thread.
It's a good idea to consider all possibilities. Some of them are unpleasant. Sometimes reality is unpleasant. But reality doesn't go away just because you refuse to believe in it.
Flower, life has its ups and downs, whether or not you believe in a god. Some people will treat you badly, some will do anything for you.
Some of them will believe in a god, some of them won't, and you won't always know who's who. Research the issue if it concerns you, and keep an open mind. Surround yourself with people who care about you, and take life as it comes.
"Theology is never any help; it is searching in a dark cellar at midnight for a black cat that isn't there. Theologians can persuade themselves of anything." -Robert A. Heinlein