I would like you to define what are those “Rights” and what is the standard for such a definition this I believe would be very helpful in our dialog.
The right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Reason is the standard.
You made this charge, falsely IMHO, but I would like you to document your factitious claim where God in your opinion unjustly whips out a people.
Genesis 7:23 - God destroys everybody in the world except eight people.
Genesis 19:24 - God destroys everybody in the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah except one family.
Exodus 12:29 - God kils every firstborn child in Egypt.
Exodus 14:27,28 - God kills the entire Egyptian army.
Exodus 17: - God orders and assists in the destruction of the Amalekites
Exodus 32:25-29 - God's spokesman orders the killing of 3,000 Israelites.
Numbers 16 - God kills 250 Levites for questioning Moses's authority and 14,700 Israelites for questioning the first slaughter.
Numbers 25 - God kills 24,000 Israelites for worshipping another god.
Numbers 31 - God orders killed all the males, and non-virgin females of the Midianites.
Deuteronomy 2 - God orders Israel to kill the Amorites.
Joshua 6 - God kills all the citizens of Jericho, except for a prostitute and her family.
Joshua 8 - God orders Israel to kill the inhabitants of Ai. 12,000 people are slaughtered.
Joshua 10 - God and his merry band of followers slaughter all the people of Makkedah, of Libnah, of Gezer, of Lachish, of Eglon, of Hebron, of "the whole land, including the hill country, the Negev, the lowlands, the slopes"
Joshua 11 - they slaughter pretty much everyone else in the area.
Judges 1 - God kills 10,000 Canaanites and Perizzites.
Judges 3 - God kills 10,000 Moabites.
There's more if you want it but I'm starting to feel a little queasy. I think I've made my point anyway.
First of all because God has provided this “get out of jail” card in the form of the gospel message that is so simple that a child can understand it
Yes, and only a child can believe it because it is inherently contradictory and nonsensical.
Sure Thomas saw the Lord but it was the Holy Spirit that convicted Thomas of Christ resurrection, because the second half of verse 29 also gives blessing (a working of the Holy Spirit) to those who don’t have evidences.
That's clearly not true. Thomas believed because he put his finger through the holes in Jesus' hands -
because he got evidence. This was a man who'd seen Jesus perform dozens of miracles. I've seen none. Why do I not deserve such clear evidence?
You missed answering what I thought was one of the most important questions in my last post: Imagine a god who created humans with free will and allows them to use it. They are rewarded if they behave well towards other people and punished if they do not. Would that god be more or less fair than your god?
Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes. - Jack Handey, Deep Thoughts