Rush et al embarrass themselves the minute they open their mouths. Our talk radio is not so intolerant. But I don't listen to talk radio as a whole. I am an oldies radio fan. I do ocassionally listen to Progressive radio out of Seattle, and KGO out of San Francisco at night. I prefer Sirius radio channel 6,7,8 and 100.
As far as accusing me as a liberal. You say liberal as if it's bad. I am proud to be a Progressive Conservative.
So (liberal) you can (liberal) call me (liberal) a liberal as many (liberal) times you (liberal) wish. You have no idea who I am (liberal).
I do believe (liberal) in the freedom to (liberal) choose. I DO NOT (liberal) believe in bank (liberal) G.M. bailouts.
Oh and (liberal) this is just a blog on the net and no one really cares. Relax ppl. I do believe in freedom of speech . Good night.