Since most pro-lifers support the death penalty, would a woman who terminates a pregnancy be guilty of murder and subject to the death penalty?
Also wondering why lifers condemn birth control. Do they believe that sex is solely for procreation?
i posed this question on another thread... namely burns and hooberus...wouldn't answer, so i thought i'd ask it again in an open thread..., .
you on the right disagree with roe v wade... so that means that you want to redefine when a zygote, embryo, or a fetus has what anyone would rule for lack of better words "the right to life"... .
exactly when is life, human as per your definition?
Since most pro-lifers support the death penalty, would a woman who terminates a pregnancy be guilty of murder and subject to the death penalty?
Also wondering why lifers condemn birth control. Do they believe that sex is solely for procreation?
misocup, good article.. once again, in this totally insane atmosphere of partisan politics, the most straightforward facts, such as the obama/democrats involvement in the freddie/frannie (fraudy and foney)mess is being distorted all out of proportion.
of course the republicans are involved also!
but the truth is it is a 20/80 situation and the dems are the 80. ironically, it was john mccain who called for closer regulation 2 yrs ago and was ignored by the democratic congress, many of whom, like obama, were involved up to their eyeballs in receiving personal gain from these two companies.. don't expect any lib/dems on this board to acknowledge any of this.
Not every politician is a crook, but it is hard to remain neutral when there is so much money at your disposal. I think McCains heart is probably in the right place. His head is unfortunately up the Republican Partys A$$ that he is just a figurehead. He did not nominate the Moose. His party did.
misocup, good article.. once again, in this totally insane atmosphere of partisan politics, the most straightforward facts, such as the obama/democrats involvement in the freddie/frannie (fraudy and foney)mess is being distorted all out of proportion.
of course the republicans are involved also!
but the truth is it is a 20/80 situation and the dems are the 80. ironically, it was john mccain who called for closer regulation 2 yrs ago and was ignored by the democratic congress, many of whom, like obama, were involved up to their eyeballs in receiving personal gain from these two companies.. don't expect any lib/dems on this board to acknowledge any of this.
What happened on Friday was nothing less than socialism at its worst. Bailing out private enterprise with public taxpayer funds will only cause many more problems than currently at hand. Bailing out folks in ravaged cities with hurricane relief-bad. Bailing out Wall Street-priceless vote buying. So much for Republicans being "free enterprisers". Hypocrites. All of them.
i have tickets to a concert and i know it is in wake of ike and houston is a mess...but on a trivial side, the concert her in dallas midweek has tbd on its time.
the same for an albuquerque show.
does anyone know why the roster does not state a time?
Basically means "to be determined". No specific date available at that time.
i work in the internet business and often hear people tell me that they have this great internet speed and then complain how their computer seems to go slow on the internet.
while it can be viruses and spy ware, often it is you not getting the speed you were promised or pay for from your cable, dsl or wireless provider.
test it from time to time and call your provider if you are not getting what you were promised.
I complained a few hours ago and in an instant I was offered an ultra high connection with ten bucks less a month for 1 year plus a free first month. She completely avoided the issue about slowness. Crafty little Filipinos at the command post in Manila.
Where's the beef?
msnbc drops co-anchors olbermann, matthews new york (ap) ?
msnbc is replacing keith olbermann and chris matthews as co-anchors of political night coverage with david gregory, and will use the two newsmen as commentators.
So much for freedom of speech.
today, i decided to go donate blood for the second time ever.
it's really weird.
i don't normally volunteer for anything, but i happily volunteer to donate blood.
The first time I donated was just a few days before Christmas. I figured the best gift I could give someone was to donate at an extreme time of need. Donating blood helps keep 3 people alive. It also helps me in many ways. They check your blood for abnormalities every 56 days or so. It also forces your body to replenish it's supply.
My JW co worker asked me last year how much they paid me to donate. That's just about the dumbest question a JW had ever asked me.
I have donated 41 times and will donate 2 more times this year. Yes, the needle does hurt a bit, but its discomfort is only momentary.
i know a few that have recently registered.
what about choo?
GO-BAMA. Rep vp is under investigation.
i'm curious of some ins and outs of file sharing websites.
i want decent storage, but one of the main things i'm curious of is how long a file will be available for down load.
i have many pdf's that i want to put up on a file sharing site, i just want to make sure the link will last a long time.
Try winmx world. As a matter of fact anyone can start their own live chat room easily with their chat key. Give it a try. Tons of music and more.