I was at work today and low and behold an elder from the KH I used to go to came in. I never got to know him very well but he always struck me as pleasant and mild mannered. The thing is I stopped going to meetings over a year ago and am now, as I have already shared, being shunned by my JW son and his wife and can't see my beautiful little grand daughter any more.
I haven't officially dissassociated and not met with any elders but don't care what action they take as they can't do any more damage to me now. Any way, this elder is very friendly and said that he missed not seeing me at the meetings and asked if I had thought of going again. I said that after investigation into the Organisation with regard to various matters such as the UN involvement and paedophile cover-ups etc that I would no longer be going.
I asked him if he realised how much pain and emotional damage was caused by being shunned and that it wasn't what Jesus taught people to be like. His reply was that he couldn't imagine what it must be as he had never experienced it! Then he went into the stuff about Satan controlling everything and all these things I had found out were lies. He said that it would be a shame to lose out on living in the "new system" which is really coming soon now as everything in the world points to it!
I said that I wasn't frightened of Armaggedon because it was all fear based and I had a personal relationship with God and Jesus and that I have learnt not to put my trust in any human being through experience. He said the usual thing about men (meaning the FDS) sometimes make mistakes etc but it is truly Jehovah's Organisation.
After that I couldn't talk to him any more as I was supposed to be working, so that was the end of the conversation and he said goodbye and went.
I don't know will come of all this, but as I have said, I am not worried one way or the other any more. Just maybe he might go away and ponder on the things that I said - I hope so for his sake.