Thanks poopsiecakes I need an occasional reminder...
oy vey!!!
Thanks poopsiecakes I need an occasional reminder...
oy vey!!!
The "three days" is a coincidence. Just because one story says that something happened to one person for three days doesn't mean that it is a prophecy about another person in the future. There have been millions of "three day" events in history, who says that these specific two are connected in any way? The book of Jonah has nothing to do with any messianic prophecies.
Any comparison to stories in the Hebrew scriptures were made after the fact by those who believed Jesus to be the Messiah. No one in Jesus' day were looking for a "sign of Jonah" regarding their Messiah. The story of Jonah is not found in the Torah (first 5 books written by Moses) it is the story of a prophet (who didn't speak at all about the Messiah) there is nothing in that story that implies that it foretells anything in the future.
Coincidence on the number of days is not evidence of prophecy. Patterns in life are normal and can be used to "support" any theory. Didn't we learn that from the JWs?
Truly, there are plenty of prophecies about the Messiah in the Hebrew scriptures without trying to retrofit other stories as prophecy.
curious, with almost 25,000 members here.
network of j.w.
does anyone have any up to date info on the status of the volunteer "spies"?.
Another thing that article accomplishes is to condition the R&F to accept the actions of others who break the confidentiality agreements and go tattling to the elders. They simultaneously instruct some to break the law and others to quietly accept.
My OBGYN hired an elder's wife during my first pregnancy. (I had been going there for many years) I gave the NP a copy of that article and asked that none of my records be available to that specific clerk. When I went in for my next appointment, the NP thanked me for the information and told me that they had a discussion with the woman and decided that she was not fully committed to their policies, so she didn't make it through the probationary period. Their office copied and distributed the article throughout the medical facility so that all could be aware of a possible breach. After all, they could face legal action if their clerks are giving out info.
I was already out by then, otherwise I'm sure I would have faced some pissed off elders over that one...
@Lore - I agree. Anyone can pick and choose whatever vague comment they want, attach it to a random event and declare it as prophecy fulfilled. It drives me crazy!
why are so many jehovahs witnesses and escpecially ex-jws so unaware and ignorant of the new world order and the world goverment?
and is the watchtower a part of the new world order and the world goverment under the united nations and the vatican?
my rrsearch says this is the case.
I'd be careful divulging too much on the world wide web. They may be observing your activities.
Nowhere in the Torah, or the rest of the Hebrew scriptures for that matter, does it say anything about anyone being resurrected in three days, Messiah or not.
However, over a hundred years after Jesus lived, someone wrote down that Jesus prophesied his own resurrection by making a vague reference to destroying and rebuilding the temple.
matt.26;peter struck the slave of the high priest, and.
jesus speaks to the crowds, have you come out as.
against a robber, with swords and clubs to capture me.. before reading this without the help of the wt.
Maybe Peter was just embellishing the story to the other apostles and got caught exaggerating.
Peter: "Man, you should have seen me swing that warning shot! It was sweet! Cut the ear right off that guy." Random listener: "you mean that guy? His ear looks fine to me" Peter: "Jesus healed him. Yeah, that's what happened! Jesus was always pushing that love and peace stuff." Random listener: *rolls his eyes* Peter: *walks quickly away*
i posted this topic:.
my relationship with my parents have stayed strained.
I'm so glad to hear about the housing. It is sad, but you deserve to be free of harassment in your home.
this kingdom hall was built in the 1960's and they still meet there.
The organization makes more money from a congregation that has taken out a loan (from the org) in order to build a new hall in the form of interest. And there are changes in the way the org expects ownership of the building to be structured that cannot be enforced on old halls. So the org encourages new buildings; I've noticed that it is more often in richer congregations.