Who arrested Jesus and why was Peter not arrested for slicing someone ear.off?

by jam 40 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • jam

    Matt.26;Peter struck the slave of the high priest, and

    Jesus speaks to the crowds, have you come out as

    against a robber, with swords and clubs to capture me.

    Before reading this without the help of the WT. I assume

    Roman soldiers arrested or seized him. Why because Judas

    needed to point him out with A kiss. But at the same time

    Jesus said day after day I was with you in the temple

    teaching, and you did not seize me. So why was it necessary

    for Judas to betray Jesus by pointing him out, when apparently

    everyone new what he look like. Iam sure when the crowd arrive

    with swords and clubs in hand, they could have ask any one

    of the disciples and they would have finger Jesus , look how

    they ran.

  • tec

    They might not have known who it was that Jesus was by appearance, depending on the guards. The 'kiss' might also have been an attempt to disarm the others, in thinking that this was not a betrayal. I'm just speculating.

    As for Peter not getting arrested... well, what would they have charged him with? Cutting off an ear that was fully attached to the slave's(?) head? They would also have had to admit that Jesus had those kinds of healing powers.

    "This guy Peter cut off my ear!"

    "What ear? One of the two attached to your head?"

    "Well... yeah... but..."




  • jam

    Tammy, that,s funny. I see your point because Jesus slap

    the poor guy ear back on his head.

  • tec

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Tonight I was reading that something happened in the Temple to warrant an arrest. Constantine's Sword. I forget the author. I find it bizarre that they needed Judas. The temple guard would have been extensive, esp. around Passover. The author points out that the exact charge is never mentioned. What did Jesus do? The point about Peter is brilliant. Cutting off a guard's ear must be grounds for arrest. Imagine cutting off a cop's ear in NYC! It is exactly the act that drives cops the craziest. You haven't seen anything until there is a cop killing or serious shooting. I could not believe my eyes. It does seem strange that Peter walks away.

    I wonder about Peter denying Jesus, too. If Jesus were attracting the crowds and Peter stood out as a special apostle, people would know. The Temple authorities would certainly know. Why weren't the apostles interrogated? It makes sense that both the temple authorities and Rome would want to question them. The gospels don't present evidence from neutral by standers as to what happened.

  • Jeffro

    Because those details weren't necessary to the folktale's narrative.

  • jam

    Band on the run: I was thinking the same thing.

    The cops come too arrest your friend and you

    intervene by cutting off one of the officer ear,

    you will never see the light of day again.

    That,s why I ask the question. If the Roman

    soldiers was there to arrest Jesus, and Peter

    cut the ear off of A Roman, I think he would have

    been history.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Cutting off the ear gave an excuse for a quick, miracle....... "What ear? Who? I never done nuffin Ossifer!"

    Getting sacrificed was doing the human race a favour.

    It was the whole point of Jesus' being here.

    Everyone who was part of the plot was doing God's will.

    Judas was a hero. Without a Judas the plot falls to pieces. No ID, no killing, no sacrifice, no absolution, no salvation ........... Satan wins.

    Have a read of the Gospel of Judas to get a different angle.



  • sabastious

    I think the unsung hero of this story is the guy who got his ear cut off. That was a pretty ninja dodge move there. I wonder if Jesus would have put his head back on?


  • sabastious

    Maybe Jesus was like, "You deserve your ear back for that sweet move."


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