As one who merely touched the poison kool-aid but did not swallow. Coming here allowed me to question even the most holy of my own sacred cows and find the truth within myself.
Being exposed to the patent ridiculousness of the JW's belief system caused me to look deep for the first time in my adult life for an answer that was coherent.
Having achieved my goal of becoming aware of the greater reality, I am able now to give to those around me from a deep well of love and understanding . My flowers are blooming , the fruits are falling from the trees, the harvest is coming in .
I was on the road to discovery long before I stopped here and sampled this place, but after joining in ,my spiritual journey took on a life of it's own.
JW's showed me the way , not because of their message as truth , but because their message was a lie.
I never thought a lie could be a good thing .
Every contribution here is a blessing .
May you be blessed and loved as I am in all that you do , freedom is the child of truth , if what you hold dear has no love . if what you hold dear confuses you or gives you fear it is a false teaching.
Our truth is LOVE . if it is absent in your life , your aren't in the truth , your in the lie.
I am not a holy person but my spirit is holy within me and it is the same spirit within you.
Fly free , don't drink the kool-aid.
In love and service , Clark