oooops....I forgot about that. Well, I guess it was easy for me to forget, because we bought 2 door vehicles because of our children being young. They came first for us over the Borg.
all the talk of legal ramifications got me thinking about this one.
your thoughts?.
oooops....I forgot about that. Well, I guess it was easy for me to forget, because we bought 2 door vehicles because of our children being young. They came first for us over the Borg.
all the talk of legal ramifications got me thinking about this one.
your thoughts?.
BTW, as long as nobody does anything about it, nothing will change. They will forever continue to manipulate, abuse, take advantage of and brainwash the world.
all the talk of legal ramifications got me thinking about this one.
your thoughts?.
JW's form of worship vs. other churches:
After being in a few other churches after leaving the Borg, I have discoverd, they don't even know how to worship properly. I can't consider them a religion at all. They are just a mind-controlling organization out for the $$$$. Not allowing us to participate in the things that cost money, e.g. holidays, school, birthdays, and charities, is enough proof there that they are only out for the $$$$. I'm surprised they didn't ban cars, but...they needed us to have cars to do their profit making sales. We were even discouraged from buying a home back in the early 80's. I'm glad we chose not to listen to them in that case. *ugh*
i have much to be thankful this year.
hubby and i continue to work out (and enjoy) our differences.
my son has stayed off street drugs since february.
we have loads to be thankful for, don't we?
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Save some turkey for me please.
the christian church began as an entirely jewish enterprise yet today there is no such a thing as a christian jewish church certainly not one that has an uninterrupted line going back to apostolic times.
it is the gentile one that continues to this day.
so isn't that surprising?
That's a question I should ask when I meet up with a local Rabbi. *stillawaitinghiscall* I'm trying to learn a little about everything, after the JW's restricted me.
i know the two questions you're asked the at the assembly during the baptism talk.
do they say anything in the water?
i can't remember if the brother doing the actual water babtism says anything to you at all.
I only recall a congratulations after the fact.
i have been searching internet reviews about this and i can't seem to find a definite winner:.
what is the best kind of slimming underwear (panties) that are comfortable, won't roll down at the waist, and will be invisible under dress slacks?.
i've looked at spanx, bali, lipo in a box, and others.
a beige won't give you a wedgie feeling. Mine don't.
i can't make enough money to pay my bills, and i attend school full-time 17 hours and work part-time at jamba juice 15 hours per week.
this is only giving me $375.
thats just enough to cover rent.
Not the NAVY... I lived in a Navy town and learned a lot. The worse thing I learned, they don't do as much nor pay as much as the Air Force or Army. And their housing sucks.
Do stay in school though. You'll never regret that.
i can't make enough money to pay my bills, and i attend school full-time 17 hours and work part-time at jamba juice 15 hours per week.
this is only giving me $375.
thats just enough to cover rent.
Go to your Financial Aid dept. at school. With your income, you most definitely would qualify for subsidies to cover living expenses too.
i wonder if the courts could ever order the release of all df people .
i thought of this from a letter i wrote to a newspaper in nc.
i dont know what circumstances it would be, but it could prove very interesting i am sure.. have been a jehovahs witness for over twenty years.
Only if they got transferred to the other cong. and if I pretended the previous to last was my last cong. ???? Well, I still think it's possible that a nationwide list is held in Crooklyn, NY.