Are they a health threat? Do they bite/sting? I thought they were just innocent creatures, unless what we have up here are different? (look the same to me)
for the last week or so we have been overran by a plethora of crane flys.
if we leave on the porch light at night, the next morning it's crane fly city.
when we leave the house they ascend out of the lawn and bushes and scare the kids (well only my daughter now, the boys are used to it).
Are they a health threat? Do they bite/sting? I thought they were just innocent creatures, unless what we have up here are different? (look the same to me)
anyone allergic to them (if you're allergic to eggs, avoid them please).. i'm getting mine for the 15th year in a row come saturday.
haven't had a flu during the past 15 years.
Have you gotten yours yet? Will you get one? Have you ever had one? Anyone allergic to them (if you're allergic to eggs, avoid them please).
I'm getting mine for the 15th year in a row come Saturday. Haven't had a flu during the past 15 years.
i rarely ever set foot in the place and will go out of my way to avoid shopping there.
tonight i made the mistake of giving walmart the benefit of the doubt and walked in the door.. they didn't have the main item i was looking for, but they did have one other small item.
i headed to the front to check out only to find they had only a few check-outs open and all of the lines were far too long.
I've experienced worse and not at a Walmart, but in a grocery store in Germany, where sales clerks know NO CUSTOMER SERVICE AT ALL!
I was in a grocery store, got my groceries, headed to my car and as I was placing my groceries in the back of my car, I always check the milk bottles to make sure the caps are tightly closed to avoid leakage. The last thing I want is a car smelling of sour milk *yuck* I noticed on one of the milk bottles (glass) the cap would not tighten, the more I turned would result in it popping back open. Worn threads? Anyway, so I headed back in with that bottle of milk, went up to the customer service counter and told the lady that I needed to exchange this bottle for another one because it wouldn't shut tight. Her response? "Oh, but you can't do that!" Boy was I fuming inside. I took the bottle, slammed it down on the counter and said to her, "Wanna bet?" I marched back, got myself a new one, walked out of the store and nobody said a thing.
P.S. I'll take a long waiting line anytime over something like this episode. GRRRR!
all the talk of legal ramifications got me thinking about this one.
your thoughts?.
Retirement Pension? For who? The GB only?
why are we not all getting together as a group and get back at the borg for what they have done to us?
"there is strength in numbers" and definitely enough of us.
we have all suffered in similar ways, some more than others.
quote: I am always amazed when the subject of suing the wts is brought up and people get so upset about it.
Is that not a reason alone for taking action? One day it will happen, somebody is going to have the means and the driving force to pull this off. If not me, then whoever.....and they will have my support as well.
hello friends,.
for those of you that do not know my situation, i am an alcoholic that fell off the wagon this weekend.
oh boy do i feel bad!
Good for you JK! You have my support, faith and conviction that you will succeed. You'll be happy with yourself in the long run. And so will we.
i run another discussion board on yahoo for former jw's.
anyway, one of my members there said she was listening to hank hannegraff (bible answer man) with ron rhodes and the discussion was about jw's going into churches for "new recruits".. he said the process goes as follows....the jw's don't tell anyone they are jw, they wait until the invitation, then when people go forward, they go as well and befriend new christians and invite them to a bible study.
he said it was referred to as "sheep stealing".
Hmmmm, during the time I was still in the Borg, I didn't DARE step foot into another church. I always felt it had Satan's spirit in it and would have bad effects on me. That's the impression JW's instilled in me. Have they changed their ways yet once again?
whats the weirdest food/stuff you've ever eaten/tried?
i ate some chocolate covered ants!
not too bad!
I have a cookbook with a recipie for squirrel stew. Ain't seen one yet at my grocer, no sirey Bob.
whats the weirdest food/stuff you've ever eaten/tried?
i ate some chocolate covered ants!
not too bad!
Brains and eggs. My dad used to make scrambled eggs with brains in it. As a young girl, ca. 5 yrs. old, I ate it and actually liked it, then suddenly we never had anymore. I haven't eatin them since. Would I eat it now? I don't think so.
an open letter to the governing body of jehovahs witnesses.
dear sirs -.
most likely you and your pundits follow carefully this site and others like it on the internet.
WOW....if that doesn't leave them speechless. As long as Satan rules their organization, it will go unread, unheeded or worse...denied.