This reminds me, are not all websites that end in .ORG considered Non-profit organizations? If so, why is the WTBTS's website signifying they are such? They make a profit...BIG TIME too.
Am I wrong here?
dear all (especially those in the uk),.
following on from danny's excellent post here: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/16/128626/1.ashx i have just sent an e-mail to the charities commission.
some time ago i wrote to you about the dangers of jehovah's witnesses and how they don't deserve charity status because far from helping mankind they are a real danger to it.
This reminds me, are not all websites that end in .ORG considered Non-profit organizations? If so, why is the WTBTS's website signifying they are such? They make a profit...BIG TIME too.
Am I wrong here?
so, i had my second job interview today for a job that i really really want and one that i believe will put me on the right track ito of my future and the career i really want so if you have a good vibe or prayer to spare, put it out there for me please - i would appreciate it!!
Still rootin for ya!
you may have seen this before, but for those that haven't, now's your chance to find out everything you wanted to know..... my attempt.... me: why am i here?.
we are all actors on the stage of life.. .
Since we have all had conversations with God, I'll share mine as well:
Me: "Knock Knock!" (on His door)
God: "Who's there?"
Me: "It's me again, like always!"
God: Thank you child, for calling on me again! What's on your mind now?"
Me: "It's these people in this JWD board."
God: "And, what's with these people?"
Me: "Well, it seems that the majority are very angry with you! I feel for them. Why do you not want people to love you? And why do you not show a love for them?"
God: "Oh but child, you have it all wrong. I do love them, very much so in fact. And why they don't love me is very understandable."
Me: "Understandable? Explain."
God: "Well you see after I created you all, I saw everything was good, so I took a back seat. I decided I would let them see how long it would be before what I created would go bad. You
see child, I may have existed forever, but I have been imperfect myself. I have created for a zillion years and every era has had it's imperfections. I'm still trying. I hope you can
understand this?"
Me: "Interesting. If you are not capable of creating anything perfect, why do you not allow some other entity to take your place?"
God: "There is no one else that even comes close. I figured, through practice I would have perfect creations eventually."
Me: "Eventually? And when do you anticipate that to be?
God: "Tomorrow!"
Me: "Tomorrow? You mean like in 24 hours?"
God: "No my dear one, tomorrow in my time is but a split second, but in your time a number of years."
Me: "So you are saying, it will still be a long while?"
God: "I don't know that answer, because I haven't calculated the exact moment yet and I only know it will be tomorrow."
Me: "So it can still be a loooong time from now, according to human time?"
God: "No, it will happen when you don't think about it. Stop thinking about it and it will happen. Your thoughts distract me from my attempts to accomplish my goal of a perfect creation."
Me: "Huh? Are you saying, nobody should think about what the future holds?"
God: "Yes, that is what I am saying. Now if all these churches would just be quiet and not preach things especially things which are not true, things that keep distracting me, maybe I can
accomplish things even sooner than tomorrow."
Me: "Churches? Including the Kingdom Hall from these JW?"
God: "Especially them, they have reached every corner of your planet and have gotten so many people to think about the future, that it has delayed my progress even more.
Me: "So why do you not just intervene and destroy them all, i.e. all the churches so you can acomplish your goal?"
God: "Because, I like to play this computer game to see how many I can get to keep thinking about me and calling on me. It's an ego thing."
Me: "I should have known!"
*slam* Door is shut for now.
hi im new to this forum and am currently trying to exite the watchtower.for the past 12 months or more i have stopped going on the ministry.in august last year i stopped going to the meetings but depression kicked in and other symptoms and i returned to the meetings in april.i stopped going to the meetings again in july and did more research to see if this is a cult.but im having all sorts of symptoms.confusion of whats right and wrong, panic attacks when i go out, one minute i hate the watchtower the next i wonder whether this is the truth and wonder if ive been mislead by satan.i dont know who to trust and where to go from here.and none of my family was ever in the watchtower so i think they know somethings going on but they can,t understand what im going through.ive been in the watchtower since 1999 off and on, i finally got baptized in 2005 after what i thought was carefull examination of the truth.and whats worse is the elder i studied with when i came into the " truth" lives right next door to me with his wife, which plays all sorts of guilt trips on me and paranoia.
I was taught, by the JW's, "If in doubt, leave it out!" So I have done that since 1999.
Listen to your inner feelings. It says alot.
My son found this photo of Seattle. WOW...beautiful... especially enlarged.
i just thought i would give a little update on my fade.. for starters, i found a new job and will be starting soon.. secondly, i found the job far enough away that a move to a new apartment is necessary.. thus i have achieved two of the major parts of my fade at once.. i will not be working for a brother, nor renting from one.. .
however, another part of my fade is my wanting to get out zelda, the girl i have loved for quite some time.. recently she tried to commit suicide again.. i have gone to see her every day since she went into the hospital.. this is more than i can say of the brother she is courting.. .
her mother is df'd, we shall call her kairi.
Confidence in some people is risky business. Let's hope she'll keep quiet. I'm glad you'll be moving into another town. Sounds like renting from a JW & working with one or more, is way too close for comfort. Kairi started to tell you that this world has nothing to offer you? That is what she had been told for years and is brainwashed with that thought. I too thought the same things for years. It's not true at all. The world has plenty to offer, even opportunities to help other people in ways you never knew and who really need help. And since you care so much for your friend Zelda, it sounds like you already have the gifts of giving. Use them gifts in a more meaningful way, for the world, who will appreciate it more than the JW's do.
i am living about 70 miles from the town i grew up in.
i recently found out that an old jw friend lives here too.
his sister used to be a good friend of mine.
If you were never baptized, no problem. As long as you aren't considered DF, you'll be ok.
i know i have not been on this site 4 a few days nowand i just basically wanted to know if this site is mainly 4 x-jws or some active jws?
please be kind
Many active JW's come in here, secretly and registered.
i am living about 70 miles from the town i grew up in.
i recently found out that an old jw friend lives here too.
his sister used to be a good friend of mine.
Go for it. It's the only way that you'll know if he's no longer a JW. I do it all the time.