I take it, that's the new Publishers ONLY copy?
JoinedPosts by REBORNAGAIN
New Watchtower Jan,15 2008
by Batty inhttp://farm3.static.flickr.com/2192/1543592646_fecb073ad7.jpg
Heart broken yet again
by 4mylove inmy husband asked me this morning, "did your parents not want to do something with you yesterday since it was your birthday?
my birthday is monday.. i told him this and he said he thought he had forgotten.
i guess i should let it go because i know who i married, but it still hurts.
at least he sort of remembered. If it was your BD and he did forget, *shameonhim* Don't be so heartbroken...at least he still has a chance to catch up!
A fun photograph
by Paralipomenon ini just downloaded the photos from my phone (thus the low quality) and really liked this one.
sometimes the wonder is a breathtaking view, othertimes the wonder is watching others seeing it for the first time.. .
Mind Warping
by Honesty indo you feel that the watchtower society is influencing the minds of jehovah's witnesses in a manner that brings glory to god?
I think the only way we bring glory to God is when we do it our own personal way for Him.
Hi from a newbie here
by tere1998 ini joined this site about a week ago and have enjoyed reading all the posts and chatter.
i was raised in the jws, baptized at 17 (didn't know any better) but once i got married and had a baby, i just didn't have enough time to go to all the meetings during the week.
we got the "shepherding calls" and pretty much were looked down on for not going to all the meetings.
TERE.....a pure case of assuming on their parts. It's like they look for reasons to get back at members, just to show who is in authority. You did the right thing in taking your BF home. Reminds me yet again how my Ex did the right thing in allowing me to stay in his home for a couple of weeks after our divorce. It took me that long to find an apt. What was he supposed to do, throw me out on the streets? I got DF for that.
Hi from a newbie here
by tere1998 ini joined this site about a week ago and have enjoyed reading all the posts and chatter.
i was raised in the jws, baptized at 17 (didn't know any better) but once i got married and had a baby, i just didn't have enough time to go to all the meetings during the week.
we got the "shepherding calls" and pretty much were looked down on for not going to all the meetings.
Welcome Tere! So nice to have you among REAL friends.
In regards to JW's on welfare etc. etc. It just blows my mind at how they tell us to not have any part of this world, including the Governments and yet they sponge off of our Government BIG TIME! Such A***** Hypocrites!
Need your advice or ideas
by REBORNAGAIN inmy ex will be moving into his new home this weekend.
eventually he plans a housewarming party (according to my son).
housewarming party?
He's the one who's been shunning me. I'm always sending him emails and he never responds to them I never had plans to hate him or act like a Jdub and stoop to his level and despise him.
Btw, he shows no emotion when he's around me, no anger, no kindness, no nothing.
Need your advice or ideas
by REBORNAGAIN inmy ex will be moving into his new home this weekend.
eventually he plans a housewarming party (according to my son).
housewarming party?
Well, like I was saying, for my son, I want to go, and if his dad refuses to invite me, hmmm...I'd hate to think what my son would think
Public Talks To Be Discontinued!!! (NOT! - see page 8)
by minimus inafter the sunday culttower study is over, everyone will be expected to preach because the end is soooooooo close!.
[minimus i have added to the title so people can read yor correction.
otherwise i think people might just miss it.
I'm just as guilty. It's not uncommon to panic and say something as soon as you hear something. Due to the shock, it kind of blocks out all further remarks and we hear only 1/2, i.e. the SHOCKER!
If it's not true, we'll forgive you...THIS TIME!
Update: Last Nights Meeting
by FadingELD infirst of all i would like to think everyone for the support i recieved yesterday.
i would also like to shed some light on my past, hopefully this does not give it away as to who i might be.
my wife and i were both raised as jw, we were both baptized when were fifteen years old.
What courage! WOW....I am so happy to hear about your courage to stand up for what you felt was right, just and fair. Please be assured that I will be thinking, hoping and praying that things will work out for your whole family. Maybe in time you'll be able to convey to your wife that your decision was based on (among other things) the reality of things you saw and/or heard about that she like everyone else is kept in the dark about.
God Bless You All!