It's the REAL truth that's in here that heals all of us. Glad we have a positive influence on each other.
i'v posted a couple of things here and i was reading back through them and i can't believe where my mind was when i first arrived.
i am glad this place was here to facilitate my education on being a human being and what we need .
we are all here to learn and when we do the world stays the same .
It's the REAL truth that's in here that heals all of us. Glad we have a positive influence on each other.
i forgot all about these two!
my bad.
"muscrat love" here, how about you?.
"Lonely Nights"
a couple of jw friends came yo visit us today and we had dinner together.. at some stage in the conversation, i said that i do understand that an increasing number of jws from developing countries take emblems at memorials because, if we consider that europe and the us compose, together, about 700 million people, there is no good reason why nearly the whole lot of the little flock should be chosen from one tenth of humankind.
it is therefore all too normal that jws from third world counties think that they should have their fair share since jehovah id not partial.
the husband listened attentively and agreed but his wife probably found that we were engaging on a slippery ground and she shortened the visit.
JW'S are partial. What about the other 6.9999999 billion people on the earth? Not one of them, who happens to live in China is worthy? It's a joke. The Anointed are not among the JW's at all, PERIOD!
..q:if large breasted women work at "hooters"..where do one legged women work?.....a:"ihop"!
Good joke! *heehee*
"Calling America"
my turn to have a fave topic!
love, reign o'er me.. love, reign o'er me, rain on me.. .
love, reign o'er me.. love, reign o'er me, on me.
"Who Are You"
as hard as it may be to pick, what is your favorite david bowie song?.
as much as i worship the man and as much as i love his song-writing, my favorite track and/or performance of his is an old and oft performed tune (performed by such greats as johnny mathis and nina simone, in fact...).
"Space Oddity"
just thought i'd share that with you.
we're in the middle of a storm right now, .
i love this time of the year!
I love your time of the year too, but we have to wait 6 months to get there again. We have our rainy season here too and it lasts sometimes even into our summers. Actually we had several days of rain and today it's quite pleasant but still on the chilly side. 60°F (ca. 16°C) for the highs and low's at night in the low 40's. (5°C).
to a better place he needs out love more than ever now
I'm so sorry I never got to meet her or at least talk to her. I'm certain she's in a much better place now. Sorry Trev, I know this must be so hard on you. My heart goes out to you.
hi,i have just registered here because i need someone to talk to in a way that wont end me up before a jc.i have been reading a lot of stuff recently about the wts being false prophets and the like.i also hate the fact that there are so called "spiritual" men out there who abuse their positions to molest children.i have been a witness now for 20yrs but instead of feeling spiritually alive i feel totally and utterly confused.i do not know which way to turn.anyone out there who feels the same ?
share your thoughts with me ..please and help me unburden myself to someone.
thanks for reading.
Dear Confused & Lost. You are experiencing typical Jdub symptoms. They do nothing for a person's true spirituality. You will always feel confused and lost because they do not offer the real truth.
Welcome to our board. Stick around, you may just learn something.