I am of Spanish decent, and the pictures is of a painting my husband fell in love with in Sedona AZ. My name is the reason I am here....
i'm sure this has been posted before but i think many have changed their avi's.
my avi:.
the frog i have now has a gavel...i liked it because to me, it's giving the impression of being released from bondage (as in a prisoners case).
I am of Spanish decent, and the pictures is of a painting my husband fell in love with in Sedona AZ. My name is the reason I am here....
i just heard this.
i can't believe it.
does anyone know if this is true?.
Nuthin but for ya! Good luck with your surgery!
i have a young sibling with ms. does anyone here know of any current treatment that hasn't been published yet?
i had heard at one point that there was a blood pressure medicine that was proving hopeful.
my bro is ready to stop copaxone, even though we all worry that this will eventually cause a relapse.
Aude, Thanks for the support
Dawg, thanks for the recipe offer. I'll let you know. The other brother went to Amsterdam and my friends sent me pictures, it was his first time...it was hysterical!!!!!!
i have a memo to write for english.
i need to 'interview' people about communication and it's place in the work force.
i would really appreciate the input and help on this assignment if you have any comments.. (i'd go to the awake, but.... .
That is requires listening!!!
to the forum, please read even if its long...i want to thank you all.
i remember when i first started posting here, almost one year ago...i had just written letters to evey jw i could find telling them what a bunch of bs the jws were.... most wanted to kill me, including my dad, who called me a fornicator, and called all my friends wanting to know what drug i was on.... i learned that jws will always try and find wrongs in the character who's showing the inconsistiancies, they never will listen to what you're saying just attack your character.
but there have been a few that i've reached; some have even taken a stand with me.. i also learned that people have different circumstances, that i shouldn't judge those that don't take a stand.
You are truly amazing. I always enjoy reading your posts. You just say it like it is....
Here's to another good year!
i have a young sibling with ms. does anyone here know of any current treatment that hasn't been published yet?
i had heard at one point that there was a blood pressure medicine that was proving hopeful.
my bro is ready to stop copaxone, even though we all worry that this will eventually cause a relapse.
You are so hot! Trust me, my bro jokes about it with my parents threatening to build a tent just for smoking the herb!
Okay, on a more serious note. My brother will be 26 this year. He was diagnosed at 20 and about a month later was also diagnosed with ulcerative colitis. For the last year and a half he has been on something called the specific carbohydrate diet. Don't let the word "diet" fool you. It is definately a change of lifestyle. It's almost as if it was a blessing in disguise. My brother was very very overweight. I truly think that if it hadn't been for this change he would have suffered medically via heart attack or worse. He was also probably quickly on his way to becoming diabetic. You know the whole hispanic, overweight, diabetic combo.
On this diet he does not consume anything that isn't natural. It has made a tremendous change. He's lost about 110 lbs in a year. He is more active, and definately more positive in his mindset. I think that this diet has helped with the MS also, because of no preservatives or additives. It is such a healthy way of eating. Problem is that he feels so good he is coming off of the Copaxone. This really worries us. I know with MS it's pretty much a coin toss on whether a med is going to work or not. I read somewhere that there will possibly be a breathrough on blood work helping to identify which medication is more appropriate according to the patients chemistry. We'll see
Thanks to both of you!
i have a young sibling with ms. does anyone here know of any current treatment that hasn't been published yet?
i had heard at one point that there was a blood pressure medicine that was proving hopeful.
my bro is ready to stop copaxone, even though we all worry that this will eventually cause a relapse.
I have a young sibling with MS. Does anyone here know of any current treatment that hasn't been published yet? I had heard at one point that there was a blood pressure medicine that was proving hopeful. My bro is ready to stop Copaxone, even though we all worry that this will eventually cause a relapse. Just wondering. Every little bit helps!
will he manage to make it for the entire hour of the bookstudy or will he open his mouth and - well, you know moshe!.
i am out of town and just thought i would see what has changed in the almost 20 years since i sat in on a kh meeting.
You absolutely have great big brass ones! My new hero!
So sorry to hear this. I hope she opens up her heart, ears, and eyes. There is always hope....
the boy was about 7 years old.
' he looked at his son and didn't answer.
'can you shun this boy?
Victorian S you made my day. You were amazing. I think it was good that the boy saw your reaction. I hope something registered with the dad....