*** w86 7/1 18-19 Living for God's Will-Today and Forever ***
HOW do you react to the idea of letting your life be controlled by God? Many today find repugnant the very idea of submitting to someone elses will. Even in so-called stable societies there is a growing rebellion against authority. Riots, protests, disorder, and violence are the daily fare. Under stress the veneer of civilization turns out to be thin and brittle.2 Timothy 3:1-3.
In contrast, Jehovahs Witnesses show that they are living for Gods will by their faithfulness, for example, in their house-to-house ministry. Yet, even within the Christian congregation, a spirit of independence has sometimes been manifested by a few. They may chafe at the discipline of the elders. A few show disrespect toward "the faithful and discreet slave" class and its Governing Body. (Matthew 24:45-47; Acts 15:2, 23) Therefore the questions arise: Why should I submit to Gods will? Why should m y life be controlled by God?
*** w97 1/1 29 Let Us Abhor What Is Wicked ***
Well-trained children learn to obey and honor their parents, the elders, and other adults. (Ephesians 6:1, 2; 1 Timothy 5:1, 2; Hebrews 13:7) It would be a shocking perversion if one of these authority figures were to misuse that childs innocent trust so as to seduce or force him or her to submit to sexual acts. Those who have been sexually molested in this way often struggle for years to overcome the resulting emotional trauma. Hence, a child molester is subject to severe congregational discipline and restrictions. It is not his status as an authority figure that should be of concern but, rather, the unblemished purity of the congregation.1 Corinthians 5:6; 2 Peter 3:14.
*** km 11/81 3 "Remember Those Who Are Taking the Lead" ***
1 Loyal and active supporters of Christianity highly prize the faithful work and zealous lead of the elders in the congregations. It is a pleasure to cooperate closely with them as they seek to advance Kingdom interests. We cannot help but reflect appreciatively on their exemplary service over the years and as a result, strive to imitate their faith, devotion, love and endurance. When we consider their earnest and industrious service, it should prompt an eagerness in us to obey and submit to those governing us who may be losing sleep over our souls. (2 Tim. 3:10, 11; Heb. 13:7, 17, Kingdom Interlinear Translation.) Ministerial servants, as they work closely under the supervision of the elders, may also serve as wholesome examples to others
*** w81 12/1 11 "Kingdom Loyalty"-What Does It Mean to You? ***
ChildrenBe cooperative and obey your parents and the elders in the congregation. Avoid all forms of bad conduct and filthy language. This is being loyal to your parents, to the congregation and to Jehovah. What is your goal in life? To develop good spiritual qualities? To share in the ministry regularly? To attend meetings regularly? To improve your relationship with Jehovah? To become a pioneer, a missionary, a Bethel worker? If these are your goals, you will be reflecting the training of loyal parents and proving yourself to be a loyal subject of Gods kingdom.
*** w88 9/15 29 Christians-Firm yet Flexible ***
Obedience to elders, husbands, parents, and employers should not be sidestepped in the name of flexibility.
*** w89 9/15 22 Be Obedient to Those Taking the Lead ***
Paul urges us to obey those governing us spiritually. We are to "be submissive," to yield to these undershepherds. Why? Because they are keeping watch over our souls, or lives dedicated to God. And how are they "keeping watch"? Here the present active indicative of the Greek verb agrupne'o literally means that the elders "are abstaining from sleep." This reminds us of the solitary shepherd who forgoes sleep to protect his flock from nighttime dangers. Elders sometimes spend sleepless nights in prayerful concern for Gods flock or in rendering spiritual aid to fellow believers. How much we should appreciate their faithful service! Surely, we do not want to be like the "ungodly men" of Judes day who disregarded lordship and spoke abusively of glorious ones, anointed Christian elders with God-given glory, or honor, conferred upon them.Jude 3, 4, 8.
Jehovah would be displeased if we failed to be obedient and submissive to Christian overseers. This would also prove burdensome to them and would harm us spiritually. If we were uncooperative, the elders might care for their duties with sighing, perhaps in a spirit of discouragement that could result in a loss of joy in our Christian activities. But our obedience and submissiveness promote godly conduct and strengthen our faith. The Lord is with the spirit we show, and joy flourishes in such a climate of cooperation, peace, and unity.2 Timothy 4:22; Psalm 133:1.10
Our being obedient and submissive to congregation elders does not mean that we are men pleasers. That would be unscriptural, for first-century Christian slaves were told to obey their masters, "not with acts of eye-service, as men pleasers, but with sincerity of heart, with fear of Jehovah."++++++++
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