Elders are certainly welcome here anytime.
I love elders, yes I do,
Baked or boiled, or in a stew.
The Way I See it http://www.freeminds.org/buss/buss.htm
for those of you trying to sneak out the back door without being dfd or dad...and plan to do holidays, please remember that the jws are tightening their grip on detractors and those who think they can leave without consequences and they will come to your door christmas morning to try to catch you!
i have heard of this countless times since leaving in jan 97. keep everything that might incriminate you away from the front door!!
and that includes your kids whom they will ask direct questions to!edited by - lovesdubs on 12 december 2002 14:23:44.
Elders are certainly welcome here anytime.
I love elders, yes I do,
Baked or boiled, or in a stew.
The Way I See it http://www.freeminds.org/buss/buss.htm
for years i've been reading and talking to people who are out of the organization either by being df'ed or da'ed themselves from the so called "truth".. my main concern is that once the former jdubs are out, they start to reverse their thinking from everything the jdubs had learned that is considered a "no no", ranging from sex, satanism, getting into pornagraphy, drugs, alcohol, rock music, smoking, reading ouji boards and anything else they can get their hands into that was considered forbidden by the wt.
even some decided to reverse their thinking from believing "there is a god" to "there is no god".. while i can understand the anger and bitterness that has resulted from realizing how they have been deceived by the wt for many years.
i am concerned about the destructive behavior that ex-jdubs are getting themselves into.. sure it gives ex-jdubs a sense of total freedom and go wild on everything that was forbidden to them.
Hi Yizuman,
I think Witnesses perceive a big change in us when we leave association, but in reality, what they are really often seeing is a glimpse of our newly acquired honesty and openness. We just quit hiding our behaviors and opinions. That looks like a change to them.
Every Witness I ever really got to know, led a double life on some level. Leaving the confines of the group just dispenses with the facade.
Leaving and turning to the bad is just another Witness doctrine. It is a myth.
The Way I See it http://www.freeminds.org/buss/buss.htm
if a great change is difficult to quantify, it can pass unnoticed.
the greatest defeat.
the watchtower has suffered to date falls into this category.
Interviewer: What is the purpose of Jehovah's Witnesses?
Witness: We are God's channel of communication?
Interviewer: What do you believe?
Witness: Um, I'm not sure.
Interviewer: What's the best part of being a Jehovah's Witness?
Witness: Um, we used to have picnics.
Interviewer: Is there anything else you would like to say?
Witness: Um, well, we are God's channel of communication.
Interviewer: Is there anything else?
Witness: Um, well, yes.
Interviewer: What?
Witness: Um, can I get back to you on that?
i hate hearing, "you left jehovah?
" as if i abandoned god.
i get angry.
Sunny wrote:
What would you say if some jws ask you the same question?
The question would be: What would I DO?
Edited by - garybuss on 9 December 2002 14:53:37
i joined this site last week hoping to meet people that would steer me back to the organization.
instead the people i have talked to her are all trying to tell me too see the light and get out of the organization.
in my opinion, not that it matters, i really think that if a person had the truth deeply ingrained in them, they would never leave the truth.
Hi zolensky,
What would I have to write to you to steer you back to the organization?
If that is what you want, I will be happy to try.
The Way I See it http://www.freeminds.org/buss/buss.htm
what event made you realize that you were serving a phony organization, and what was the turning point that made you see clear?.
When I sat and listened to the lying denials about the 1975 predictions, I knew I was right about them being wrong . . . . and bad.
"Brothers, If you heard it, you did not hear it here!"
I did hear it here (there) and I didn't appreciate being lied to nor the tone nor the attitude.
They are just a book publishing business tricking people into distributing their literature for free.
The Way I See it http://www.freeminds.org/buss/buss.htm
i'm 40+ female in n. tx.
i haven't been attending for at least 8 years.
i don't know if i'm df or da or just considered inactive.
Hi moreisbetter,
Welcome! The elders and other JWs are not aware that we continue to be "believers" for years after we leave association. They are taught we have turned our backs on God and them and hate them when we quit associating. They are trained to take everything everybody does personally. Group teachings are in pyramid style and they believe that there is never a good reason to quit associating. Even if one is shunned, there are still expectations and rules for continued association.
The teachings we heard while we sat at group meetings of love and kindness are lost to them in their fear and their loyalty to the group leaders. Privileges of service, positions of prestige, and social standings are at stake. Life as an agent for the Watch Tower Publishing Corporation is more like being a citizen of a country than being just a member of a religion. The loyalties are deeper than resentment or reason can usually reach. The only comfort and safety for them is in loyal submission.
All members are expendable to all other members. None of it is as we were taught. Secrecy, closed doors, new tougher rules, impending doom, and the threat of rejection is the norm.
Now the job is to recover mentally, emotionally, and financially. The first step for me was to find out exactly what had been done to me. The next was to challenge all those group doctrines that were my flawed core beliefs.
This forum is a pretty good place to challenge some of those flawed beliefs.
Best wishes,
The Way I See it http://www.freeminds.org/buss/buss.htm
is it just me but do the society have a fixation on the nazis and the relatively few witness martyrs?.
i was skimming through the jan 15th 2003 watchtower, and came across a couple of photos of brothers who were in concentration camps that i must have seen a 100 times before.
then, on the back there something about ones who died at the hands of the nazis in hungary.. now dont get me wrong, i know that what happen at the hands on the nazis was truly awful, and that many of those who died were people whose faith at least i can admire.
The Watch Tower Publishing Corporation has long bragged that it was alone in resisting the German Nazi movement in the 30's and 40's but they do not say a word about how they are not doing one thing to oppose the modern Nazis. Neo-Nazism is alive and well. How about it Watch Tower, why no articles or protests against neo-Nazis?
Afraid they might walk right into Patterson and kick some ass?
The Way I See it http://www.freeminds.org/buss/buss.htm
in the uk, if you drop a wallet in the road in error, what are the chances of it being handed in to a police station by the finder with all the contents still intact?.
when i read that in the times some weeks ago, i was very skeptical.
then i thought of all the people that i know, friends, aquaintances and pub pals, and i reckon that 90% of them are basically honest with their fellow man.
I did a little experiment one time. I took a camera with me one day and went looking for 12 bad things to take a picture of. I carried that camera around all day and at the end of the day I did not have one picture of one bad thing, let alone 12.
The next day I took the same camera and went looking for 12 good things and I have a picture of a red sunrise, two cardinals at the feeder, a bus taking children to school, a delivery boy bringing me my newspaper, two orange vested school street crossing volunteers, two neighbors waved as I passed, two friends met me for coffee and then went to drive the meals on wheels truck. I saw police ready to help whoever calls, firemen who sleep by their trucks. I drove on paved roads with paved sidewalks joining mowed lawns. I saw 12 good things before I even got to town.
My world is very good. I almost never see anything bad and I never even know of any crimes or accidents if I didn't listen to or read the media. Even the media has difficulty finding bad things to report. Often they have to go out of state to find misfortune to report.
There is so much good news and it is so common that it is not even newsworthy.
Just my point of view:-)
The Way I See it http://www.freeminds.org/buss/buss.htm
right before i disassociated myself last march, i sent an email to quite a number of jw's that contained only a link to an "apostate" website that had been instrumental in my seeing the the truth about the wt.. well, nobody responded to it except for one person, a guy who i hadn't had any contact with my last year in.
he started out with "yikes, do you know i'm disfellowshipped?
" he then went on for several paragraphs defending the org, how loving the brothers were when they disfellowshipped him .
Debating a JW is like being in a pissing contest with a skunk. What was the web site you sent him to?