Another fellow Brit here, feel free to tell as much or as little of yourself here.
Regards and welcome
i thought i'd introduce myself, i haven't been to the faux-truth in about 6 years now so i'm merely a small child to the 'real world.
' i grew up in said religion and attended two english speaking congregations and lastly a sign language congregation in britain.
i think this gives away my identity to some friends i have on here ;).
Another fellow Brit here, feel free to tell as much or as little of yourself here.
Regards and welcome
having read ray franz's " crisis of conscience " 3 years ago -before i read steve hassan's 2 books on mind control - my wife and i thought it would be good to re-read ray's " crisis " book again now that we know more about the workings of " cult mind control".
we just finished chapter 2 and i noticed striking similarities i thought i would share.. notice this quote in " crisis of conscience " on pg.
28 & 29 by franz , " thus numerous factors that are relatively common knowledge in many religious organizations are known only vaguely , if at all, by the vast majority of jehovah's witnesses.
Flipper that was my point, the fact that Franz was at the very heart of the wts gives others an even more credible insight into their workings, thus any feelings of guilt (he may or may or not have) are more than assuaged.
having read ray franz's " crisis of conscience " 3 years ago -before i read steve hassan's 2 books on mind control - my wife and i thought it would be good to re-read ray's " crisis " book again now that we know more about the workings of " cult mind control".
we just finished chapter 2 and i noticed striking similarities i thought i would share.. notice this quote in " crisis of conscience " on pg.
28 & 29 by franz , " thus numerous factors that are relatively common knowledge in many religious organizations are known only vaguely , if at all, by the vast majority of jehovah's witnesses.
I have also read Ed Hussein's book The Islamist, as well as COC, the crossovers are many. It seems that the more extreme forms of Islam have a similar way of operating to the wts. At the heart of it is control, and particularly in terms of a person's time, therefore inhibiting thought, and reflexion.
They both eschew culture and cultural enquiry, when did we ever see the wts championing culture??.
I enjoyed Ray Franz's book, it was candid, honest and without rancour. Having said that I do think the point Happy Guy makes about him being right at the very centre of things in the wts was true, he does bear some degree of responsibility, and he does address this in his book. Franz's openness about his personal journey, does go a long way to redressing this imo, particularly as he was at the heart of the wts.
Regards David
i guess one of the things that i hold most against the senile octagenarians who run the wtbts and tell us things like "rock music is from satan" is how much music i either missed out on or felt guilty about listening to.
i love music.
everyone who knows me can tell when i am not listening to enough music.
What rubbish eh!!
The wts like many high control groups, eschews any culture, the reason, cos it's from the devil. The real reason is that culture apart from entertaining, challenges and develops society. Mao and the Taliban have and had a similar modus operandi.
BTW i have Phaedra too
if this has been posted, then i missed it... .
Why are they worried about what people in the World may think, when they themselves view their lives separate form it, there is a disconnect here.?
Also from what I have seen, divorced couple are just that; divorced, few of them have feelings of sexual attraction, and if they do will often find ways of justifying their dalliance.
The reasons that might cause them to remain in the same house are often economic, so they move apart and make it harder economically, yep that works.
Also how do homosexual couples figure in this??!!
The more I read the WTS the more it seems unconnected to reality, then again i suppose this is thier raison d'etre.
Regards David
i could use some perspective on something i'm struggling with.
first off, a little background info.
i am an only child and my parents, in addition to quite difficult circumstances we've all experienced, both personally and as a family while i was growing up, remain devout.
I agree with Voideater and Ql
10 mins long - watch from after 55 secs.
And who says history does repeat itself??!! Look at the Anabaptists and the siege of Munster too. This seems to be a recurrent theme throughout history doesn't it?
Regards David
eton college is possibly the most famous public school in the world and they have recently accepted their first ever jehovah's witness.
the link above is a local news item.. i am reliably informed that the boy's father 'stepped down' from his 'position' of ministerial servant as some in the local congregation were not too happy with the example being set.. .
This is good news for the child, however it so indicative of the high control mind numbing, literal and metaphorical attitude of jw's.
how ironic!
i think she's trying to get reinstated so she blanked me.
we used to be pretty good friends.. .
That is so sad and pathetic, sadly many of us used do the same to a greater or lesser extent. That is one of the more pernicous control tactics of the wts
Regards David
any of the rhetoric, demands, conciliation, etc., etc., remind you of anything?
wasn't this all how this war started in iraq?
(or the justification for it, anyway?
The would be wise to involve The European Community and China too.