We have a Miele washing machine, it is quiet, reliable, simple to use ( even for a guy) and is very good to boot, though it is expensive.
i have been thinking about getting front load washer for my home, but i have not decided which brand, etc to get.
any recommendations?.
We have a Miele washing machine, it is quiet, reliable, simple to use ( even for a guy) and is very good to boot, though it is expensive.
he was mentioned on the recollection of influential posters thread:.
one that no one's mentioned that was one of my faves is hillary_step.
loved his razor wit.. me too - his "razor wit" managed to call me an "uneducated redneck" on at least two dozen occasions...usually when i disagreed with his certainty that george w. bush was a war criminal and should have been tried by the international criminal court.i enjoyed the interaction - hearing the name again made me ask -whatever happened to him?
I have been very fortunate to meet him person a couple of times, he is very, very smart, and has impeccable dress sense. He is one the most interesting people I have ever met.
I think he (like me) enjoyed his time here and moved on, as many do.
any of the rhetoric, demands, conciliation, etc., etc., remind you of anything?
wasn't this all how this war started in iraq?
(or the justification for it, anyway?
Who is Netanyahu's rhetoric aimed at? Iran - no, they already know that Israel will take preemptive action if they deemed it in Israels interest. The US maybe, to stiffen The US resolve against Iran. An Israeli audience, quite possibly, most Israeli governments are coalitions, and usually fragile ones to boot; Netanyahu needs to be seen a leader. Also there is a small matter of Lebanon to the North, where Iran and Israel have thier stooges. Read Roberts Fisk's columns in The Independent ( of the UK ) he is coruscating in his denunciation of Iran and Israel, in thier actions in that benighted country, and he should know he resides in Beirut. David
tried to send a pm to my old friend hillary_step...lost his email and telephone number.. does anyone know what happened to him?.
His wife did pass away about 2 years ago, and she had left the wts before she died, when, CD will know.
begin outter wrap scientists at mcmaster university, hamilton, ontario have been able to convert skin cells into blood cells.
this is very preliminary and i imagine it's going to be a few years before it's perfected, but i wonder what crooklyn's stand on this would be.
do you think they'd make this a 'conscience matter'?.
Hi Mary,
The JW stance on blood transfusions has little to do with the bible, and, as Grace and others have said, is about control, pure and simple (though not very simple for JW's). The corollary is therefore in the case to which you allude is that thier beliefs in this regard are founded on rather shaky principles and grounds, therefore they have a harder time justifying control in this instance, and any smart JW will be alert to any lacuna(e), and accept treatment, if appropriate.
Going on from this, the whole field of regenerative medicine is in its infancy ( no pun intended) and will transform therapies for a very wide range of diseases. I attended a lecture at my older son's University, Kings College London, which was full of people doing research in this area from all over the world; the guy I sat next to said to me that he fully expected people to live 40 years longer in 20 years time, that was 4 years ago. There is hardly a week that goes by now without an article in the news about something to do with it, like the article which you introduced above.
The biomedical ethics, and jurisprudence of such therapies is a little way behind the science.
in the midst of all this talk about copyright law and a cult's right to keep its 'secret' book off the internet, let's not forget wikileaks!.
they had the old elder's book, last i looked.. metatron.
Wikileaks made the top news story here in The UK for making public, documents on torture in Iraq, the US military did not like it, yet it was thier documentation he leaked!
I say more power to Wikileaks.
I love Pad Thai and cook it about once a week. I first tried Thai food two years ago in Canada and loved it. My daughter and I go to a fab Thai restaurant by Trafalgar Square in London, the food is wonderful, and the service spot on, we were there last Saturday
Society should teach that the ' bad boy behaviour is totally unacceptable', to blame women for the unacceptable conduct of men is so wrong, and in of itself indicates an attitude to women that that is so crass and anachronistic; it is redolent of a culture that choose to blame others where the blame should rest with the accuser, ie men ( mostly).
Women need strong role models in successful self reliant women such as Michelle Obama and Mrs Thatcher to name but two.
One of the keys is education, so that women can support themselves irrespective of what the guys do. I tell my JW daughter regularly.
Switzerland now has a majority of its cabinet members who are female, we in the UK are not close to that yet, like the US. Spain also has a predominantly female cabinet too. David
any north americans traveled in italy or greece lately??
any suggestions on getting around?
train vs rental car etc.
btw we drive on the right side!! (|eft side)