HOLY CRAP!!! I spent my entire childhood in the same congregation as Jacob and Josh! Too funny! I had no idea where they were. Last I heard, they moved to the south to start their "county music career.
Posts by Erace
Famous JW's
by jwfacts ini have updated my page on famous jws.
it is by far the most viewed part of my site.
it seems michelle rod, and michael jackson are far more popular searches than 1914 or jehovah.. i still need to add some quotes that identify each individual as a jw, but i thought you may enjoy the list.
Favourite quotes from films.....
by fifi40 ini love this quote and often find myself using it on the kids and my dog.
it is from cats and dogs and james earl jones doing the voice over.
"not for you young puppy, for you the war is over".
The Big Lebowski.........Goon: What the f is this? [Picks up a bowling ball hesitatingly.] The Dude: Obviously you're not a golfer. The Big Lebowski.........Goon: Where's the money, Lebowski? [Shoves the Dude's head down the toilet then pulls him back up.] Goon: Where's the money, Lebowski? The Dude: It's down there somewhere, let me have another look. The Big Lebowski..........[Maude shows the porn video starring Bunny to the Dude] Sherry in 'Logjammin': [on video] You must be here to fix the cable. Maude Lebowski: Lord. You can imagine where it goes from here. The Dude: He fixes the cable? Maude Lebowski: Don't be fatuous, Jeffrey. Multiplicity........Laura: "Honey, that's great. So it's like a promotion?" Doug: "Yeah. Yeah." Laura: "It's not great." Doug: "Well, guess who's gonna do all the work that I was doing?" Laura: "You're gonna do all those jobs? Are they gonna give you more money?" Doug: "Ah, I think it's really more of a prestige thing, hon. Uh, yeah, that's probably it. They're prabably gonna give me, you know, a plaque or a certificate or something for just being so great." Army of Darkness.........Ash(Trapped in the 1300's): Yeah! [after shooting King Arthur's sword in half] Ash: Ok you Primitive Screwheads, listen up! You see this? This... is my boomstick! This is a 12-gauge double-barreled Remington. S-Mart's top of the line. You can find this in the sporting goods department. That's right, this sweet baby was made in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Retails for about $199.95. It's got a walnut stock, cobalt blue steel, and a hair trigger. That's right. Shop smart. Shop S-Mart. You got that?!
Are Jehovah's Witnesses Victims Too???
by minimus ini think many witnesses are victims of deception.
i do not believe that the vast majority of them truly understand the folly of their religion.
like many good roman catholics or devout muslims, they believe that their faith is the true one.. many jws are basically "good" people.
Ignorance is bliss...... I'm a 3rd generation Witness, ex-wj. I couldn't even reason with my mother because she has spent her entire life following her partents, siblings, etc. To find out it wasn't the truth would ruin their lives. Why even go there? Why not just know it's the truth without doing any research? It's much easier to continue knowing (hoping) it's the truth than to look into it with an open mind. I think the example of my family is very common and why many will never even question if they are victims. They DO NOT want to know! If the real truth isn't as good as what they believe, why seek it?
week long elders training class for 08 confirmed
by isaacaustin inannounced at my parents service meeting last night
February 4th, huh? At least now we know that Armageddon won't be before then! I think it will be 3 days about how to keep publishers from leaving after the talk, "Oops, we meant the 2014 generation, not 1914." 1 day about how great and special it is to be an elder and the final day will be the outline of what they tell the congregation they talked about for 5 days. Gotta bring some new light home!
by deaconbluez ini have been approved to write the cover story for local newspaper about jehovah's witnesses.
it can't be any more than 2,500 words.
this newspaper has a huge reader-base.
I think you should focus it in 2 different ways. First, scare the public with the crazy beliefs on education, blood, shunning, etc, but as we all know, ANY witness that reads about this will have their brain washed cranium kick in and discard all of that. I know all the programed answers, such as df'd is showing love, etc. The second part, I would focus on some of the unbelievable teachings that 99% of the witnesses have no idea about. I was a witness from birth to age 22ish and I wish so much that I would have read about pyramid measurements supporting their dates, God living on some star or knowing that Russel was either a mason or just really liked them a lot (does it really matter which?). If I would have known this, it would have made my 5 year transition that included so much fear and guilt so much easier. Also, the fact that when they REPRINT a book or magazine for a second time, they change it to the new understanding and/or lie about what they believed or taught in the first place! TODAY'S WITNESSES DO NOT KNOW THIS CRAP! Good luck!
2008 District Convention Theme
by R.F. inokay, so it should be very soon when the theme for the 2008 convention will be made public.
what do you think the them will be?
The Sodomites will live again! (Again)
Did you get a little pressured to get baptized young?
by outofthebox inwe saw an elder the other night trying to convince a couple of kids that they were ready to be unbaptized publishers.
and then he went and added that he was baptized very young and they should too.
so, these two kids were feeling the pressure.
Oh yes! Somehow I held out until I was 15, but 13 was what my family was going for. When I brought that up after I got DF'd, I was reminded that I CONVINCED the elders I was ready and had a great understanding of what kind of commitment I was making. The good news...some of my family, I don't even miss!
A summary of the last 10 years?
by Erace ini have been df'd for just over 10 years and really haven't thought much about the religion since, except for the fear dying in armageddon.
one of my family members has been bugging me the last year or so to come back and that is what started my research and why i found this sight.
of course, after doing about 15 minutes of research, i realized how crazy i was raised and how nobody that is a witness today has any idea of where this religion came from.
I have been DF'd for just over 10 years and really haven't thought much about the religion since, except for the fear dying in Armageddon. One of my family members has been bugging me the last year or so to come back and that is what started my research and why I found this sight. Of course, after doing about 15 minutes of research, I realized how crazy I was raised and how NOBODY that is a witness today has any idea of where this religion came from. My questions are: I have heard about declining numbers of the Witnesses, cutbacks, change in beliefs, secret watchtowers, etc. Can someone just give me a review of what has happened in JUST the last 10 years? Numbers of Witnesses? Numbers of anointed partakers? Is that number really going up?! What have they changed in the last 10 years in beliefs? I know of the generation change, of course. Are there really "spies" among us that go to the meetings? Kinda sounds fun, maybe. Thanks!
Your secret is safe with me, you don't really believe this crap do you?
2008 District Convention Theme
by R.F. inokay, so it should be very soon when the theme for the 2008 convention will be made public.
what do you think the them will be?
Recent Elvis Sightings....Has the Resurrection Begun?