Topics Started by Erace
Famous JW's
by jwfacts ini have updated my page on famous jws.
it is by far the most viewed part of my site.
it seems michelle rod, and michael jackson are far more popular searches than 1914 or jehovah.. i still need to add some quotes that identify each individual as a jw, but i thought you may enjoy the list.
Are Jehovah's Witnesses Victims Too???
by minimus ini think many witnesses are victims of deception.
i do not believe that the vast majority of them truly understand the folly of their religion.
like many good roman catholics or devout muslims, they believe that their faith is the true one.. many jws are basically "good" people.
week long elders training class for 08 confirmed
by isaacaustin inannounced at my parents service meeting last night
by deaconbluez ini have been approved to write the cover story for local newspaper about jehovah's witnesses.
it can't be any more than 2,500 words.
this newspaper has a huge reader-base.
Did you get a little pressured to get baptized young?
by outofthebox inwe saw an elder the other night trying to convince a couple of kids that they were ready to be unbaptized publishers.
and then he went and added that he was baptized very young and they should too.
so, these two kids were feeling the pressure.
A summary of the last 10 years?
by Erace ini have been df'd for just over 10 years and really haven't thought much about the religion since, except for the fear dying in armageddon.
one of my family members has been bugging me the last year or so to come back and that is what started my research and why i found this sight.
of course, after doing about 15 minutes of research, i realized how crazy i was raised and how nobody that is a witness today has any idea of where this religion came from.
2008 District Convention Theme
by R.F. inokay, so it should be very soon when the theme for the 2008 convention will be made public.
what do you think the them will be?
Pyramid prediction of 1914 and Daniel's Dream
by Erace ini'm new here and i've been researching the 1914 prediction by russell using the measurements from the great pyramid.
i was born as a jehovah witness and after 20 years, i never heard about a pyramid measurement.
i never missed a meeting either!
Well - the New Secret Watchtower should arrive pretty soon.....
by AK - Jeff ini hope someone opens a new secret watchtower website with all the pages scanned monthly.
wouldn't that be a hoot?
i forget nowadays - when should the dubs expect that january shipment?