JoinedTopics Started by jacethespace
world war 1 and collapse of empires
by jacethespace inthe tower has often used the information about world war 1 and how many empires that had existed for thousands of years collapsed during this war and that the map of europe was changed forever as evidence that their 1914 date is accurate.they also quote comments from people saying that morals, politcal, religious, finacial, fell apart during this time too and has been on a downslide ever since.. im intrested to see what people think of this information.and if they have anymore info concerning this..
jehovahs witnesses and the un relationship
by jacethespace infor years i studied the awake and watchtower literature and at times wondered to myself why [ esp in the awake] do they keep quoting the un so much when they are saying the un is satans tool.i got more curious when i read an awake main article which was practically dedicated to the un, all about the uns projects,etc.then it all made sense when i discovered that the tower had had a realtionship of some sort with the un.when i spoke to the elders they seemed non the wiser but looked into it and came back with info saying it was just a library card for the info section.which i was suspicous of,especially when the elder told me this year that " the un thing is old news anyway so why bring that up".. does anyone have any further info on this or documents?
i had heard that american congregations had been sent letters from bethel explaining this, is that true?
because as far as i know british congregations didnt recieve any letters or anything about this.. jacethespace..
are jws saving the sinners or the righteous today.
by jacethespace inin matthew chapter 9 verses 10-13 it says- 10 and it came to pass as jesus sat at meat in the house, behold , many publicans and sinners came and sat down with him and his disciples.11 and when the pharisees saw it they said unto his disciples.why eat your master with publicans and sinners?12 but when jesus heard that he said unto them, they that be whole need not a physician but they that are sick.13 but go you and learn what that means, i will have mercy and not sacrifice, for i am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.. i noticed a few intresting points in this scripture, firstly jesus was associating with sinners and eating a meal with them.the pharisees were frowning on this in a similar way today the watchtower society has a similar attitude.if we were eating with such " worldly people imagine what sort of advice we would be given inside the watchtower walls, " bad association ".. the most intresting point i noticed though was that jesus said " i am not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance.so jesus must have recognized that the world had righteous people, but he was concerned with teaching sinners the right way.today on the ministry jehovahs witnesses say they are gathering not the sinners but only the righteous " the right hearted ones.seems to me jesus had a more balanced attitude of the world than the watchtower does.
Though shalt not question ze tower
by jacethespace inwell sometime ago when i was meeting at the kingdom hall i overheard someone whos been in the tower all his life say to someone " have you heard that the number of the annointed are going up and not down, people are saying they are of the annointed when they are not".well since, i have spoken to an elder about overhearing this and all i got back was " no this person wasnt questioning the watchtower, just pointing out a problem".so they know this is going on and they dont even question anything.its just so ridiculous for people who examine and scrutinze for study every word the wt puts out.
millions now living will never die [ or did they]
by jacethespace ini just cant understand why the watchtower still holds to this convention from 1933, that millions now living will never die.my nan was born in 1925 and shes in her late 80s.so who was the watchtower refering to when they said that they would never die.it coudnt have been people who were middle aged back then or older.and i cant believe they were just talking to people between the ages of 7-20 or so either that wouldnt fit the " millions " hype.yet its still refered to today in meetings and in the revelation book as a very important event.
point of no return
by jacethespace ini want to thank the people involved in this site and the people on here in general as you have all been a great support for me.i think the internet has actually saved my life because i probably would have remained in the watchtower forever without having all this extra information to look into on here and the net in general.well i have now started to pass the point of no return mentally.through information and considering the way watchtower really works.also i have spoke to my mom about me leaving and how i feel and she has give me some support.i feel the watchtower had put a divide between me and my non witness family that has now started to return.its seems to me like the tower severs that parent/ emotional tie and takes its place.im feeling better in my self and although i dont have all the answers am looking foward to moving on for good.im starting to see that the watchtowers happiness is anything but.ive thought for quite a while in fact its anti life.
ps , anyone want to act out the fall of babylon in a play but replace it with the watchtower headquarters [ thats my anger coming out now].
Everyman a liar
by jacethespace injust like to share some scriptures with you, im not sure whether this would go in favour of the tower or against it.but be nice to have peoples thoughts on it.
romans ch3:3-12 [ king james version] ---- 3 for what if some did not believe?
shall their unbelief make the faith of god without effect?
Do not put your trust in men [ except of course the governing body]
by jacethespace inhow often did we hear in the meetings, conventions,etc, the saying - do not put your trust in men but put your trust in god.anyone putting their trust in men are foolish but anyone putting their trust in god is wise.not once did anyone point out of course that in the watchtower its impossible to put your trust in god because in order to put your trust in god you have to first put your trust in the infallible, unquestionable governing body.i think that when we were told trust in jehovah, what they really meant was trust in the watchtower org and those untouchable 12 men at the top who interprets everthing.. of course if anyone had ever pointed that out we would have got that very spooky air of silence and then totally ignored like we wasnt there.
kingdom hall sound team
by jacethespace ini was one of the group of sound servers in the congregation to play kingdom hall tunes, flip mikes on,etc.record the meetings [ scary thought].half the time we had to replace the casette tapes as people never returned them after they lent them.well anyway a few times i often entertained thoughts that i would love to start the opening of a meeting with bon jovi- living on a prayer or some other rock song like that.oh what the hell i think i,ll return one more time and leave with a loud entrance.
exiting the watchtower
by jacethespace inhi im new to this forum and am currently trying to exite the watchtower.for the past 12 months or more i have stopped going on the ministry.in august last year i stopped going to the meetings but depression kicked in and other symptoms and i returned to the meetings in april.i stopped going to the meetings again in july and did more research to see if this is a cult.but im having all sorts of symptoms.confusion of whats right and wrong, panic attacks when i go out, one minute i hate the watchtower the next i wonder whether this is the truth and wonder if ive been mislead by satan.i dont know who to trust and where to go from here.and none of my family was ever in the watchtower so i think they know somethings going on but they can,t understand what im going through.ive been in the watchtower since 1999 off and on, i finally got baptized in 2005 after what i thought was carefull examination of the truth.and whats worse is the elder i studied with when i came into the " truth" lives right next door to me with his wife, which plays all sorts of guilt trips on me and paranoia.