The Elders will sort it out aaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggggg
We realy do like field service
the elders will sort it out aaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggggg.
we realy do like field service.
The Elders will sort it out aaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggggg
We realy do like field service
as there is a gaging order we may never know.. i believe in these cases they admit to nothing the legal term is "without prejudice" and make the payment as such.. however in the elders book at a j.c if the if they have proof the person has done something wrong and will not admit to it they are to be d.fed.
As there is a gaging order we may never know.
I believe in these cases they admit to nothing the legal term is "without prejudice" and make the payment as such.
However in the Elders book at a J.C if the if they have proof the person has done something wrong and will not admit to it they are to be D.Fed
i'm sure it will be around but how big i don't know.. as the older ones die off or become inactive there doesn't seem to be as many stepping up to take there place as one elder said to me recently " iv'e just come from a meeting at bethal they talked a lot about how much of this generation we have lost it seems we have skipped a generation ".. after alot of growth in the 80's and early 90's things seemed to have tailed off in the western world .. in 1992 i helped build the kh i used to go to it was built to hold 250 it was about 3/4 full and growing now it has about 100 publishers they had 9 reg pioneers then now maybe 1 or 2 the enthusiasm seems to have faded at best.. i went to the talk with my wife the other week (she still active) alot asleep or staring into space when i left after the talk the was alot of people milling around and talking in the lobby.. what will happen in the future i don't know it's co's vist this week everyone will get reved up but it seems to faid just as quick.. your thoughts??
I'm sure it will be around but how big i don't know.
As the older ones die off or become inactive there doesn't seem to be as many stepping up to take there place as one Elder said to me recently " Iv'e just come from a meeting at Bethal they talked a lot about how much of this generation we have lost it seems we have skipped a generation ".
After alot of growth in the 80's and early 90's things seemed to have tailed off in the western world .
In 1992 i helped build the KH i used to go to it was built to hold 250 it was about 3/4 full and growing now it has about 100 publishers they had 9 reg pioneers then now maybe 1 or 2 the enthusiasm seems to have faded at best.
I went to the talk with my wife the other week (she still active) alot asleep or staring into space when i left after the talk the was alot of people milling around and talking in the lobby.
What will happen in the future i don't know it's CO's vist this week everyone will get reved up but it seems to faid just as quick.
Your thoughts??
from my experience growing up in the jws there were two big recurring themes when it came to making money: .
1 - window washing or other janitorial work .
2 - cheezy "get rich quick" schemes and other cult-like sales practices .
We had one family in our congro who were into every get rich quick scheme going so much so the P.O gave a talk about it.
At the time they were into a travel scheme (it got shut down by the government) .
One of them was flatting with my mate he put an ad in the newspaper and asked us to take down the phone numbers when he was out so we put down the P.o's number and he rang it .
He was so brainwashed by these schemes when the P.o answered he went into his spiel .
Needless to say he was called into the library next meeting
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i was a j.w for 38 years did'nt do a fade just "checked out and left" that was 7 years ago .. wife still a j.w so still have the elders ask why?.
i started to explain to one he went into lock down mode so why bother.. i'll defend the to the end for things i fell are right but wont stand idly by and say nothing when i know what they are saying is wrong.. that's got me into a lot of trouble.. karter.
I was a J.W for 38 years did'nt do a fade just "checked out and left" that was 7 years ago .
Wife still a J.W so still have the Elders ask why?
I started to explain to one he went into lock down mode so why bother.
I'll defend the J.WS to the end for things i fell are right but wont stand idly by and say nothing when i know what they are saying is wrong.
that's got me into a lot of trouble.
in the interest of self-healing and finding the peace that comes from being grateful, can you think of anything at all that was positive about having been one of jehovah's witnesses?.
not to be misunderstood with missing something about it, is there something about the experience that has enriched you?.
to answer the question myself, being forced to face the fallacies of the teachings of jwism, i was also prompted to look past those teachings and reevaluate everything i believed in.. that experience was frightening and unsettling, but i'm thankful for it.. i now have a greater appreciation for life in all its wonder than i did when i took it for granted as one of jehovah's witnesses.. i'm more determined now to find meaning in this life, after having lived for so long for a future that was never to arrive..
The ability to communicate WELL something that's helped me in business when I turn up to do a quote I can put the customer (householder) at ease and get my point across.
The ability to get along with ANYBODY think how many arseholes in the congregation you put up with.
sound of silence.. as my wife is a j.w all along the watchtower!
Sound of silence.
As my wife is a j.w all along the watchtower!!
Gone in 60 secounds
you look forward to sunday mornings ........... for a sleep in.. you buy yourself something really nice and don't worry who your going to offend..
You look forward to Sunday mornings ........... for a sleep in.
You buy yourself something really nice and don't worry who your going to offend.