F.T.S seems you have done your homework well.
The fact that the Chinese are investing in N.Z flat out has an up and a down side.
Up side as you pointed out there is a lot of money being spent here upgrading and building new dairy plants and buying farms to supply their dairy factory's.
Down side is why are we selling something the world is screaming out for,For The short term gain, or in long term we have something the world wants our dairy products.
The other argument is by letting the Chinese buy our land we gain access to their markets but if the Chinese market is being filled by their own company's whats the gain to N.Z? Job's...they mostly use their own people keep it among themselves.
On the other hand were would the money come from to build new dairy factory's supply chains ect there is not enough money in N.Z to do this so we look offshore and who's got the money ...China.
The N.Z economy is doing well as a tradesman I'm turning work away and everyone i know is busy as.