A brother was an accountant and did the books for alot of "the freinds" and "Wordly people"
He stole millions of $$ and was appointed an elder wile doing so.
Ended up doing 3 years inside.
A branch overseer that was molesting children.
witnesses are supposed to be "exemplary" and not like the "world".
yet some jws are pretty notorious.. did you know of any jws that did some real bad things?.
i knew a pious witness who got caught twice trying to solicit prostitutes.
A brother was an accountant and did the books for alot of "the freinds" and "Wordly people"
He stole millions of $$ and was appointed an elder wile doing so.
Ended up doing 3 years inside.
A branch overseer that was molesting children.
the content of the program presented at the circuit assembly: safeguard your spirituality served as a re-affirmation that the wt/gb is loosing the grip of rank & file.
they are becoming boulder and boulder in their blatant use of mind control techniques; in my opinion, their mind control techniques used to be more subtle.
but the content of the program in this past assembly clearly reflected that they are acting out of frustration and desperation.
If the new system is SOO CLOSE , How will Mummy & Daddy have the time to train there children to be pionners?....I mean it will be here before they get old enough to pionner.
A dollar each way i guess.!!
was it just that or anymore news?
Was it just that or anymore news??
my wife suggested this thread and i agree it's a good idea to put this out here to find out.
just wanted to give her credit for the idea.. most of the public have no idea that some of the jehovah's witnesses people calling at their door are a previously convicted sex offender or pedophile who may have served hard time in prison for their crime.
it would be interesting to have an informal survey here and get an idea of the sheer numbers of these child molesters who are out on the loose.. in your opinion - how would the public react if they knew that child molesters were regularly calling on their doors ?
John douglas F.B.I Criminal profiler said about sex offenders "I doubt they can be fully rehabilated''
Now this is a man who has delt with many,many cases.
As i commented to an Elder "If a child molester is studdying with a person that has children , They have the right to know it is not up to us to decide weather he will reoffend it's up to the person who's house he is going into to decide if they want that sort of person in their house''
It seems to me that the Elders think they have the rite to decide that for them.
my wife suggested this thread and i agree it's a good idea to put this out here to find out.
just wanted to give her credit for the idea.. most of the public have no idea that some of the jehovah's witnesses people calling at their door are a previously convicted sex offender or pedophile who may have served hard time in prison for their crime.
it would be interesting to have an informal survey here and get an idea of the sheer numbers of these child molesters who are out on the loose.. in your opinion - how would the public react if they knew that child molesters were regularly calling on their doors ?
my wife suggested this thread and i agree it's a good idea to put this out here to find out.
just wanted to give her credit for the idea.. most of the public have no idea that some of the jehovah's witnesses people calling at their door are a previously convicted sex offender or pedophile who may have served hard time in prison for their crime.
it would be interesting to have an informal survey here and get an idea of the sheer numbers of these child molesters who are out on the loose.. in your opinion - how would the public react if they knew that child molesters were regularly calling on their doors ?
3 in my area.
1 is an elder.
1 an ex branch overseer got reinstatred a wile back.
1 a puplisher and out in service alot.
i heard joe and wife are out and rumors about hubler.. joe was the nices't guy around but hubler was the biggest a***h**l the god chucked guts into..
i heard joe and wife are out and rumors about hubler.. joe was the nices't guy around but hubler was the biggest a***h**l the god chucked guts into..
Fade to grey and keith agar welcome and thanks for the comments.
Anyone else?
i heard joe and wife are out and rumors about hubler.. joe was the nices't guy around but hubler was the biggest a***h**l the god chucked guts into..
Joe Sleighman came from Iran but was in Melborne before he came to NZ in the early 90's, his wife was a Moari.
Hans Hubler was in Queensland before comming to NZ in the late 80's
i heard joe and wife are out and rumors about hubler.. joe was the nices't guy around but hubler was the biggest a***h**l the god chucked guts into..
I heard Joe and wife are out and rumors about Hubler.
Joe was the nices't guy around but Hubler was the biggest a***h**l the God chucked guts into.