Thanks for all the replies. I knew of a long time witness who lived 30 miles east of Sacramento in El Dorado County who was discovered to be a child molester for years and had abused 7 young girls in his 30 + years in this particular town. It became known to the congregation when a publisher rushed the stage and announced it randomly to 150 congregation members that brother so and so was a child molester. And I'm quite sure he had been regularly going out in service all that time. The molester was DFed and he was imprisoned not long after.
NOMOREKOOL-AID- I commend you and your husband for having the courage to report this child molester to his parole officer and that he had been among children out in service. It is important to do this and even if some can get pictures of a former child molester going from door to door and report it to parole officers- many times the abuser will have been found to be in violation of his parole if around children at all ! Whether he talks to them at doors or goes out in service with other young witnesses.
HEAVEN- Wow. Thanks for the link. What an incredible story. It shows how much access these child molesters really do have indide the organization.
BLONDIE- Thanks for all those links. I read them. My god. What these victims have had to suffer with the cover ups, the dishonesty and lying by JW attorneys in court case after court case to protect the false allegedly " respectable " image of the WT society is horrendous. They may not let JW abusers go from door to door if they have molested JW kids- I don't know- however there is NO enforced policy restricting former sexual offenders of children from going door to door who served hard time in prison before becoming witnesses. I know of several myself that served up to 10 years for horrific psychopathic sexual crimes who go door to door with JW children out in service - and the elders don't do a damned thing about it.
EMPTYINSIDE- If the former abuser was reinstated- most probably he is being allowed to go out in service.
STIILIN- A pedophile is an adult who has a sexual attraction to children. That is the definition in the Dictionary. In the United States it is not called " making a mistake with minors " - the legal term is felony child sexual abuse which is punishable by up to 50 or more years in prison depending on how many offenses there were or the extent. The problem with the WT society and Jehovah's Witnesses is they soft pedal these sexual crimes by calling them " mistakes " or " imperfect sins " - instead of calling it a felony crime which it really is in the eyes of the law of our country. THAT fact in my opinion is one reason the WT society looks for loopholes to spring these JW sexual offenders free by claiming " Oh, that was in the past- he repented, he's changed " . Bull $hit. 99 % of registered child sex offenders DO NOT CHANGE. They re-offend. Even in recent interviews granted on the Oprah Winfrey show and other news networks child molesters in prison admitted in interviews that they had molested up to 40 to 50 children before getting caught. Can you imagine the damage that thousands of child molesters do ?
I guarantee you- I would stop a child molester from " doing God's will " out in service if I caught him on film and he was violating his probation by being in the prescense of children . I agree with you that EVERYBODY has to be more alert and aware in order to protect all children- but people in positions of oversight like Catholic clergy and Jehovah's Witness elders and the governing body are MORE responsible as they claim to be watching out after witnesses lives. Personally I think they are only watching out for the WT society's legal a$$ myself. But- that's just me