They may ask you if you think the govening body is Gods sole channel of comunicating with his people here on earth or something simular.
You can say yes or say any thoughts i have on that matter i would prefure to keep to myself.
i've seen several posts on various threads about a particular "loyalty question" or two that elders ask during judicial hearings.
granted it's been several years since i was an elder, but i never heard of this practice.
is there anything officially in print on this from the wt?
They may ask you if you think the govening body is Gods sole channel of comunicating with his people here on earth or something simular.
You can say yes or say any thoughts i have on that matter i would prefure to keep to myself.
pls share, i love these stories!.
We had one bro who was not fully plugged in.
There were 4 pregnent sisters in the congro and he confessed to the Elders he was the father to them all.
One sister who would go home after the service meeting and go from door to door till after midnite.
To many drunks to mention.
were there a lot of elders, ms's and pioneers that should not have had those titles?.
One guy appointed an Elder ( he was an accoutant) he was ripping off bro's & sisters all over the place he did 2 years inside.
One elder(Married) was screwing a sister (she was also married) and was on J.C's D.fing people for imorality.
Too many drunks to mention.
i found taking the traveling overseers out for a meal, to be a waste of time.
our literature regulary spoke of the upbuilding talk the local congregations received by entertaining our brothers.
now some of the modern cos look at their telecommunication devices, talk of things not related to our ministry or phone it in.
Was the Moari C.O you Uncle & Auntie had over Waikato grey???
He was one on the nicest C.O's we ever had.
When i was with my ex she invited Sandy Panel over i coul'd never stand that Arsehole or his stuck up wife.
When Hans hubler came to town they had problems getting ANYONE to have him for a meal!!!!!!!
waisted days and waisted nites.. freddy fender..
"Another one bites the dust"....Queen
waisted days and waisted nites.. freddy fender..
"Sacrifice"....Elton John.
waisted days and waisted nites.. freddy fender..
"Theres always some reason to fell not good enough''.......Sarah Mc Lachlan
i've been thinking about putting together a pamphlet of things that have worked well for me over the years.
if it's successful, maybe it will lead to seminars or classes.
feel free to critique, or chime in with your own.
Tell her you are dateing lots of other women this will make her try harder to get another date.
was jesus black? .
Yes he was.
He could'nt get a fair trial and called everyone brother!!!!!!
i've been thinking about putting together a pamphlet of things that have worked well for me over the years.
if it's successful, maybe it will lead to seminars or classes.
feel free to critique, or chime in with your own.
Always talk about your ex wife , girlfreind the whole time, This will show you hold no grudgers.