Were there a lot of elders, MS's and Pioneers that should not have had those titles?
Elders, Ministerial Servants & Pioneers That Should Not Have Been Appointed or Should Not Have Remained In Their Positions
by minimus 44 Replies latest jw friends
Now this is gonna' be a long list!!!
Many Pioneers FAKED their report slips...actually most, in my opinion.
A lot of Ministerial Servants I believe tried to be good examples, especially if they were "reaching out" for the office of overseer. A few were double-lifers.
Some elders were just plain weird. They had no right injecting their opinions on the congregation or elder body. They weren't fit to be McDonald's managers.
We had a very bright elder from Italy that was something else. He regarded himself as a "General" and that we, as elders, were the Commanders of the flock. We knew what was needed and they should listen. He LOVED his family. His kids got DF'd. He and his wife faded. They used to regularly drink wine before the meetings with their family. Often, they were tipsy.
In the mid 70's, we had a former Gilead student along with his wife who came to our KH. He quickly became an elder and he was very smart. He was a very big overweight man, bald headed, and not very attractive. His wife was a hottie, though. (Sorry for digressing)
This guy was conducting the Watchtower and a Bible student's husband walked in SCREAMING this, "I wanna talk to you RIGHT NOW". The elder said, "not now". The Husband proceeds to walk up the aisle, to the lectern, knocks it over and yells, YOU'VE BEEN F*CKING MY WIFE AND I WANNA TALK TO YOU".
I was on the platform as the WT. reader. I grabbed him and held him for what seemed an eternity until a former pro boxer took over.
2 weeks later, I was appointed a MS. I took his Bookstudy over and because they were shorthanded, I became the Theocratic Ministry School "Overseer".
Ahhh, the good old days!
We had a Regular Pioneer who later became an elder and we all knew he fudged his hours. His elder dad always defended him. I really didn't care.
We had an elder who had a family, was the service overseer, seemed to have more than enough money to rarely work but enough to live and pioneer from time to time.
He was a travelling salesman but never really seemed to be away from home. Turns out one of his business calls in another area was a witness too
and the owner of the company said that ____ _____ has been in your area lately a lot why haven't you bought anything lately. Is there a problem?
Service Overseer Elder hadn't been out that way for years. Just was submitting fake invoices for milage. He got fired and reported to the CO but
nothing was ever done about it and the brother still serves as an Elder in good standing.
Given the fact that I had seen he truth about the "truth" and already started my fade when I was appointed as an elder, if the holy spirit was doing its job I should not have been appointed.
I knew a MS who had a wife that made a porno with another brother and his wife. It was leaked and kids were watching it. I think she was a pioneer or maybe just an auxillary at the time. She was not DF'd ( not that I really wanted her to be ) and he was not removed. They just moved. They were both nice. It was just odd because no one could get appointed to save their soul, but your wife could make a porno and you could remain a servant. It was not the Servants fault, just typical of the flawed sytem.