JoinedTopics Started by tooktheredpill
I lost my pet today...
by tooktheredpill inshe was a 12 year old maltese.
the best pet in the world.
my wife and i never had kids, so she was our only daughter.
"Guilt trip" from a Sister
by tooktheredpill inhi guys!.
this morning i heard a voicemail left by an old sister from my last congregation.
as you may know, i just disappeared from the kh meetings almost 2 years ago.
Happy Anniversary to me!! :)
by tooktheredpill inhehe!
i noticed a minute ago that i've been a member of jwd for 2 years!!!
it's incredible how fast the time goes, and how many changes have occurred to me in these 2 years.
To all the newbies: How I've have adapted to life outside the Org
by tooktheredpill ini havent been active in the forum for some time, but i keep reading your comments every few weeks.
ive noticed that there are many new members.
welcome to jwd!!!
Jesus & Horus' life events - Archeology vs. WT Library
by tooktheredpill inhi guys!.
i was checking various websites about egypt history.
something that grabbed my attention was the similarities between horus and the life of jesus.. searching "horus" in the wt library cd, basically only 2 aspects are mentioned: that horus was part of a pagan "trinity", and that the images and sculptures of isis and horus resemble the virgin mary and jesus.. .
So I installed a surveillance camera...
by tooktheredpill inhi guys!.
as many of you already know, i'm in my "fading" process with my wife.
we haven't been to the kh for the last 5-6 months.
My first year in JWD. Thank you!!
by tooktheredpill in"membership since .
hello guys!
today i noticed that i've been in jwd for a whole year.
Update about Ray and Cynthia Franz, by Request!!!
by tooktheredpill inguys:.
as i mentioned in a past thread, (, i met ray and cynthia during the weekend!
i went to their home with my wife.
I fulfilled my most recent Theocratic goals!!!
by tooktheredpill inguys: i fulfilled my most recent theocratic goals:.
1) reached 200 posts in jwd!!
2) met ray franz and cynthia during this weekend!