Topics Started by virgo
...Good Food at Assemblys.....What Happened?..
by OUTLAW inin a time before many of you were born... assemblys had a great food... i left before the food started getting bad... .
i am totally amazed at reading... how food at assemblys got worse and worse... until finally food was`nt served at all... .
back in the day... food at assemblys was pretty dam good... there was quality cooking back then... jehovah`s witness`s actually looked forward to meals at assemblys... .
Was There Any Song That You Regarded As Special, That Got You In a Good Mood, etc...
by minimus ini love music.
when i was a kid, i had hundreds of cassettes where i taped all my favorite songs.. some songs would give me the chills.
some would be so good, i'd replay them over and over again!
Circuit & District Overseers That Made An Impact
by minimus inwe have a lot of new ones on this site as well as some who have been here for years----i know this subject has been brought up before, but were there any memorable cos or dos that you can recall?.
co arnie scneider was my last co when i was an elder.
he was a very sweet man..
How You Doin'?
by snowbird inever have those days when your measuring line always falls in pleasant places?.
psalm 16:6 the boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places.
Banned expressions= Pioneers abused me for saying "that sucks or peeved"!
by Witness 007 inyes as a young man on 20 out witnessing with the special pioneers one brother said his bible study wasn't home...."oh that sucks" said i......well, you would have thought i said "that sucks balls" three pioneers completely freak out and as a "trinity" start telling me off...i didn't think it was a swear word....anyone else?.
once the c.o used the term "peeved off" during his talk...well, everyone did research on the word to see if it was the same as "pissed off.
Being Prejudiced
by purplesofa inmy daughter(she is feeling much better btw) sat down with me a little while ago to tell me about a conversation she had with her boyfriend over the phone.
the guy he works with is black and seems he has been calling him the n word, i don't think to his face, but my daughter has heard him say it.
so she says something to him about it and how wrong she thinks it is.
Where did you meet your lover/partner/husband/wife and..
by mtsgrad inwas it love at first sight?.
What is South Africa like?
by sammielee24 inwe were talking about places we would like to visit one day and i mentioned cape town.
sometimes, all the news we get or the pictures we see of another country, are slanted toward what is bad and we don't get to see what a country is really about.
i was wondering how many on here are from or have been to cape town and what it's really like?
Hold thumbs for me
by virgo ini have an unenviable task this weekend.
i have had to set up a meeting with my wife and my mother because of a problem that came up last week.
how do you mediate without taking sides with one of the two people you love the most?.