My daughter(she is feeling much better btw) sat down with me a little while ago to tell me about a conversation she had with her boyfriend over the phone.
He was telling her how the guy he works with won't hardly talk to him today. The guy he works with is black and seems he has been calling him the N word, I don't think to his face, but my daughter has heard him say it. So she says something to him about it and how wrong she thinks it is.
They talk about inter-racial dating. She tells him she was raised differently than most people around here. She has lived other places. She thinks it's ok.
I forget the details then he asks her if she has ever dated a black man. She said are you going to still speak to me if I answer that question?
He said I don't know.
I will think differently of you. Click.
She said I am not messed up about it. I am not prejudiced. It's better for me to find out now.
There have been allot of discussions on this board about racism. I mostly stay away from those topics. The area we live in is very racists. Allot of my family is.
We live in a town that is called "White Flight" Whites from the city moved here to get away from blacks. There are hardly any black kids at the schools here. We lived in an apt complex of about 250 units. Only one black family lived there. My daughter was almost blackballed in HS for befriending the kids that lived there.
We ended our conversation.......It's rough when people are prejudiced against those that are not prejudiced.
I will say this, if I got nothing from being a JW spiritually, I got heaps from the brotherhood of non-prejudiced people.
Being Prejudiced
by purplesofa 68 Replies latest jw friends
sorry for posting this too many times. respond here please. purps
I'm sorry, this just gets increasingly harder to deal with in the community I live in. As JW's we did not encounter this on the scale we do, it's disheartening and a constant battle. Well, it's not really a battle, it's just there. We don't fight about it, but there are allot of confrontations.
purps -
I'm sorry about that, Purps, but unfortunately that's life.
There are just about 4 White families left in my area - which was once all-White - and sometimes the Black kids treat them abominably. Whenever I catch them at it, I chew them out something fierce.
I think it's all about respecting each other, something we should have learned at our mother's knees.
For what it's worth, I always try to treat others as I wish to be treated. It hasn't failed yet.
Peace to you and yours.
John Doe
For what it's worth, I always try to treat others as I wish to be treated. It hasn't failed yet.
So, you want me to oomph upside your head?
So, you want me to oomph upside your head?
Will you hush!!!
Show Purps some love and appreciation, ok?
John Doe
Oh, sorry.
Yes purps, racism is a fact of life. Many, if not most, people are racist, regardless whether they admit it or even realize it themselves. That's a part of human nature. As snowbird says though, it comes down to respect.
Consider your daughter lucky to find this out early on. This guy sounds rather closed minded.
I know he is,
I just asked her if he called back and she said NO,
She does like him, but she will not compromise what she believes in.
Her huge heart has warmed people up.
Maybe he will too.
Hey JD,
you are not far from here, I know a college town is much different than here. I know you are from around this area.
Does it seem to be a big issue where you are?
John Doe
It's not the issue it was 10 or 20 years ago, but you can still find plenty of old timers who are blatantly prejudiced. A newer target group are the Latinos as they move in and many don't speak English. Prejudice seems to be based to a large extent on fear. Ecomic times are hard and people are afraid that aliens will take their jobs.
That being said, I don't see any problems with racism at work. But then again, you'd have to get an actual minority's view to have a better perspective.