It seems to me that this New Light was introduced in 1998:
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Sacred Service In The Temple
The great crowd worships with anointed Christians in the earthly courtyard of Jehovah’s great spiritual temple. (Revelation 7:14, 15; 11:2) There is no reason to conclude that they are in a separate Court of the Gentiles. When Jesus was on earth, there was a Court of the Gentiles in the temple. However, in the divinely inspired plans of Solomon’s and Ezekiel’s temples, there was no provision for a Court of the Gentiles. In Solomon’s temple, there was an outer courtyard where Israelites and proselytes, men and women, worshiped together. This is the prophetic pattern of the earthly courtyard of the spiritual temple, where John saw the great crowd rendering sacred service.
However, only priests and Levites could enter the inner courtyard, where the great altar was situated; only priests could enter the Holy; and only the high priest could enter the Most Holy. The inner courtyard and the Holy are understood to foreshadow the unique spiritual condition of anointed Christians on earth. And the Most Holy pictures heaven itself, where anointed Christians receive immortal life along with their heavenly High Priest.—Hebrews 10:19, 20.