JoinedTopics Started by GermanXJW
New NGO-Letter by German Branch
by GermanXJW instorch - a participant on the german board wrote to the german branch.
he got the following reply.
and his local elders informed him without any reference to the letter that he is not to do talks in the tms at the moment.. the english translation is mine.
The Secret Journey of the Three Hebrews :-)
by GermanXJW ini just received my watchtower of december 15th, 2001. .
qfr is "how can a christian wife balance loyalty to god with submission to her unbelieving husband if he shares in religious holiday activities?".
[btw, the german edition does not say "unbelieving" but "who is not a jw].
High Level Apostates to come?
by GermanXJW init now about two decades after ray franz.
since then it has been very unlikly that another high level wt officers turns apostate because it was only a handful of men that are in their 80s/90s.
last year when the society was restructured a lot of new jobs was created.
UN-Beast in the abyss twice?
by GermanXJW in"the wild beast that you saw was, but is not, and yet is about to ascend out of the abyss, and it is to go off into destruction.
" (revelation 17:8a).
are you all aware that the wild beast must have been in the abyss twice?.
JW killed building a KH in Germany
by GermanXJW inyesterday, at a construction site where a new kh is to be built,a crane fell down, killed a sister and injured some others severly.
local tv reported that now police has started investigations against the crane operator.
building a kh in germany is done by voluntary workers that are not properly insured by the wts but are dependant on their own insurances.
What happened in the beginnig of the 90s?
by GermanXJW inin 1990 the german branch sought recognition as a public corporation.
the austrian branch did a similar thing.
in 1991 lloyd barry signed for associating as an ngo with un's pr-department.
Similarities between LDS and JW illustration
by GermanXJW in .
this links to a german lds-forum.
the upper illustration is from the "live forever"-book, the lower from a lds publication.. seem that the same man is tried to be converted by jw and lds.
Foreign NW Adjusted to Fit North/South-King
by GermanXJW indaniel 11:40a reads "and in the time of [the] end the king of the south will engage with him in a pushing".
the german nw used to read "einen zusammensto" ("a pushing") until the revision in 1986. then it was changed to "zusammenstoe" ("pushings").
i notice the 1987 french edition reads "des heurts" ("pushings") like the german one.. the english nw reads unchanged "a pushing".
Suggestion for GB to deal with current situation
by GermanXJW inthe current world situation and the wt dealings with the un result in some bigger problems the wt leadership has to solve.. firstly, the war.
an event as big as the attack on the wtc so that people say this has been an historic event comparable to the events of 1914: if this has not been prophecied in the scriptures what should be expected to be?
the wt's only chance is an application of the "pushing" between the king of the south and the king of the north.