In my case, I must say that it definitely helped me in several ways.
- Like others mentioned, public speaking.
- Not really being afraid to go to a person and start talking to them. I mean, I knocked on so many doors and "tried" to talk to people. When it worked, I did have excellent conversations which very often deviated from the religious subjects we were peddling. Interestingly, Tim Ferriss in his "4 Hour Work Week" book has an exercise that is very similar to doing street preaching work. You know, go talk to people you do not know out there to build your confidence. Obviously a completely different goal and message, but exactly the same action. Lol!
- It did teach me to focus on one thing for more than one hour. This I have used to learn about so many different things in life, without having to actually go to school or something. My kids (who have never ever been to a kingdom hall) cannot concentrate on something for more than 10 minutes or less. They cannot understand how I watch educational youtube videos for longer than one hour, just to mention an example.
So, I would say that yes, I did get some benefits from the TMS and the field work. Although, if I take a look from a broader perspective, the disadvantages are much bigger than those few benefits.
My two cents after a long time of inactivity... lol